Entering Delegation Records

Access the Add Delegation form.

Original Requestor

Enter the address book number of the person who is delegating their RSS rights to another user. For example, if a manager wants his administrative assistant to be able to enter, review, and receive requisitions for her, enter the address book number of the manager in this field.

Delegated Requestor

Enter the address book number of the person to whom you are giving rights to. For example, if you want an administrative assistant to be able to enter requisitions on behalf of her manager, enter the address book number of the administrative assistant in this field.

Delegated Application

Select the application for which you are designating rights. For example, if you want to give the delegated requestor rights to enter requisitions on behalf of the original requestor, select P43E10 from the list of program IDs. Values include:

  • P43E10

  • P43E15

  • P43E20

  • P43E214

Effective Date

Enter the date on which the record becomes active. The date must be on or after the system date. You cannot enter a past date in this field.

Expiration Date

Enter a date through which the delegation record is active. This field is optional. If you leave this field blank, the system assumes that there is no expiration date for the delegation record.

Delegation Active

Use this option to specify whether the delegation record is active. By default, the system selects this option when you create a delegation record. You can deselect this option to specify that a record is no longer active.