Entering Requisition Details

Access the Edit Requisition Details form.

Description 2

Enter additional text for the description of the requisition.

Supplier Item Number

If you selected items from a supplier using Direct Connect, the system populates this field with the item number from the supplier's system. You can change the value in this field.

Buyer Number

Enter or change the buyer number.

Ship To

Enter or change the ship to address.

Order Date

Use this field to change the order date.

Requested Date

Use this field to change the requested date.

High Priority

Select or clear this option.

Special Request

Select or clear this option. If you are resolving a special request, you must enter values in all other required fields before clearing this option. The system performs editing on all fields after you clear this option, so if you have not entered required values, the system generates errors.

Domestic Amount

This field displays the amount of the requisition in domestic currency. If the supplier is a domestic supplier, this field is editable when updating a requisition. If the supplier is a foreign supplier, you can edit the Foreign Amount field, and the system calculates the value in the Domestic Amount field.

Foreign Amount

This field displays the amount of the requisition in foreign currency, and appears only if the supplier is a foreign supplier. This field is editable when updating a requisition.

Distributed by

Select a method by which to distribute the amount. Based on the value you select, the system enables and disables the related fields. Values are:

Percentage: Distribute the amount for the requisition by percentage.

Fixed Amount: Distribute the amount for the requisition by dollar amount.

Fixed Quantity: Distribute the amount for the requisition by units. The system does not enable this field if you entered a lump sum amount.

Click this button after you select a method for distribution to display the related fields.

Account Number

Enter the account number to which you want to distribute an amount.

G/L Date

Enter the G/L date for the accounting period to which you want to post the journal entry.

Distributed Percentage

Enter a distribution percentage for the account specified.

Distributed Amount

Enter a distribution amount for the account specified.

Distributed Quantity

Enter a distribution quantity for the account specified.

Save and Close

Click this button when you are finished entering detail for your requisition. You must then click the Submit button on the Add Requisition form. If you do not submit the requisition, the system does not save your requisition in the F43E11 table.