
1. Business Unit Validation

Specify how the system validates the branch/plant. Values are:

1: Validates the branch/plant against the F4101 table. If you are performing stock purchasing, enter 1 for this processing option. When you enter 1, the system uses the address book number in the F4101 table as the default for the ship to address book number.

Blank: Validates the branch/plant against the F0006 table. Typically, you use this processing option when you are performing services expenditure purchasing. When you leave this processing option blank, the ship to address book number appears by default from the address book number in the F0006 table. You can access the F0006 table through the Revise Single Business Unit program.

2. PBCO Warning

Specify whether the system should generate a PBCO warning. The PBCO warning indicates that the G/L date for the requisition is in a period prior to the current period for the company specified on the requisition. However, if the Allow PBCO Postings option in the General Accounting Constants program is not selected, the system generates an error regardless of the value in this processing option. Values are:

1: Do not issue the PBCO warning. Typically, you use this value when you are performing services or expenditure-type purchasing.

Blank: Compares the G/L date on the requisition to the current period in the F0010 table for the company and business unit specified on the requisition. If the G/L date for the requisition is in a period prior to the current period for the company, the system generates a PBCO warning. The warning ensures that you are not recording purchases in a prior general accounting period.

3. PACO Warning

Specify whether the system should generate a PACO warning. The PACO warning indicates that the G/L date for the requisition is in a period that falls after the current or next period. Values are:

1: Do not generate.

Blank: Generate. The system compares the G/L date on the requisition to the current period in the F0010 table for the company on the requisition. If the G/L date falls outside of the current or next period, the system generates a PACO warning.

4. Edit Supplier Master

Specify whether the system validates the supplier number against the F0401 table. Values are:

1: Do not validate.

Blank: Validate.

5. Financial AAIs

Specify whether the system should use financial automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) or distribution AAIs. Values are:

1: Use distribution AAIs.

Blank: Use financial AAIs, specifically the CD, CT, CR AAIs. If you leave this processing option blank, the system verifies that the account number on the requisition falls within the allowable account ranges specified in the CD, CT, and CR AAIs.

6. Project/Job Validation

Specify how the system should validate the header business unit and the account business unit on the detail line. Values are:

Blank: Allows the account business unit on the detail line to be different from the header business unit.

1: Generates a warning if the account business unit on the detail line and the header business unit are different.

2: Generates an error if the account business unit on the detail line and the header business unit are different.

3: Issues an error if the job (account business unit on the detail line) does not belong to the project (header business unit). A project number is assigned to a job in the Business Unit Master (F0006). If you enter 3 in this processing option, the system verifies that the Project Number field in the F0006 table for the business unit in the detail line has the same number as the header business unit on the requisition.

Note: A business unit description may be displayed as Branch/Plant, Project, Job, or Business Unit.