Requisition Entry With Delegation

Using delegation functionality, you can enable users in your organization to enter requisitions on behalf of others. For example, you might enable an administrative assistant to enter requisitions on behalf of the managers in his department.

Using the processing options of the P43E10, you can specify whether your organization allows delegation. You can choose to:

  • Disable the Requested By field: When you select this option, the system disables the Requested By field on the Requisition Entry form. The user cannot enter requisitions on behalf of another employee.

  • Enable the Requested By field: When you select this option, the system enables the Requested By field on the Requisition Entry form, and allows users to enter any valid address book number in this field. When you use this option, users can enter requisitions on behalf of any employee in the organization. Oracle recommends using this option only if you use application security to restrict the users who are able to enter requisitions using this application.

  • Enable the Requested By field with delegation: When you select this option, users can enter requisitions for themselves, and on behalf of those employees for whom they have been given delegation rights.

If you choose to enable the Requested By field with delegation, you must set up delegation records using the Requisition Delegation program (P43E280). These records include information about the dates during which the delegation is active, and the users for whom a delegated requestor has the authority to enter requisitions during that time.

Note: Delegation functionality is not available on the Shopping Cart program.