Set Up Extrinsic Information

These fields define any additional data that might be required by a supplier for authentication and access to the supplier's website. These values create a cross-reference that indicates to the supplier which user is connecting to the supplier's website so that the supplier knows what information to display for the user. You can map the additional required data using only these tables:

  • F0101– Address Book Master

  • F0111– Address Book - Who's Who

  • F0006– Business Unit Master

  • F0010– Company Constants

  • F0401– Supplier Master

Extrinsic Name

Enter the name of the element for the extrinsic information section of the cXML document. For example, enter USER. If you enter USER, the extrinsic information appears as: <Extrinsic name="User">98372762</Extrinsic>. This value must be a single string. Do not enter any spaces or special characters.


Enter the description of the element name. For example, enter User ID to describe the element name of USER.

Data Dictionary Alias

Enter the data dictionary alias to retrieve the value that is specified in the Element Name field. The system uses a predefined key to retrieve any specified columns of the table ID and populates the cXML document with this information.

For example, the F0101 table contains the information:

  • Column: AN8

  • Data: 98372762

Based on this information, the system cross-references the F0101 table by retrieving the F0101 Address Book using the address book number and returns the value of 98372762.

The system uses this information to create an extrinsic information element in the cXML document. The element appears as <Extrinsic name="User">98372762</Extrinsic>.

Table ID

Enter a valid table number from UDC table 43/ET. The system uses this table to retrieve the value that is specified in the Element Name field. For example, enter F0101 if you want the system to retrieve the user ID from the F0101 table.

Note: The values in user-defined code table are hard-coded. You cannot enter a table other than those listed in the UDC table.