Shopping Cart Processor Business Service (J43E0020)

After JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users access a vendor's website and select the products or services that they want to purchase, they complete the steps on the vendor's website to check out. When a user initiates the checkout process, the Shopping Cart Processor business service (J43E0020) is invoked. The Shopping Cart Processor is an inbound transaction business service that transfers the user's checkout data from the vendor's website to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database.

When the user checks out of the vendor's website, the listener service within the business services server calls the Shopping Cart Processor business service. The business service receives the message from the vendor in cXML 1.2.016 PunchOutOrderMessage schema format. The business service then transforms the data in the checkout message into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne XML format so that it can be read by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. For this data transformation to occur successfully, you must set up file path names for all transformer documents.

The Shopping Cart Processor business service then calls the eReqSetShoppingCartWorkFile business function (B43E0690), which inserts each record that was successfully processed into the Shopping Cart Work File table (F43E20WF). If all lines are processed successfully, the user is returned to the shopping cart application, where he can view all of the requested items. Only items that were successfully processed appear in the shopping cart. If errors are encountered during processing, the user receives one of these messages:

  • No lines were found in the XML payload.

  • Some lines were successful, but some had errors.

  • No lines were successfully processed.

  • Error occurred before any line processing could occur.

Note: The Shopping Cart Processor (J43E0020) is managed by the Shopping Cart Manager published business service (JP43E000). The Shopping Cart Manager is responsible only for passing data between the J43E0020 and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. The JP43E000 does not have its own document, and exists only because the listener service cannot call the J43E0020 directly because that business service is an internal business service.