Understanding the Commodity Structure Program

Use the Commodity Structure program (P40500) to create the commodity structure. When you add a commodity, you enter the commodity, a description, whether it is a product, service, or both, and the line type. You can also enter a buyer number and a G/L class code. You must enter this basic commodity data and save it before entering any relationship information.

After you add each commodity, you can cut and paste the commodities into the appropriate level of the hierarchy. You can create up to three levels in the structure.

You can also move nodes within the structure; however, you cannot move a node if moving the node would create more than three levels in the structure. When you move a node, the system moves any children that are associated with the node.

Note: The Commodity Structure program is enabled with record locking. Record locking prevents a user from making any changes to the commodity structure when another user is updating the structure, ensuring data integrity. If your business practices require that multiple users have access to the commodity structure at one time, you can disable the record locking feature for this program by removing the P40500 program from user-defined code table 00/RR. However, we recommend that you leave record locking enabled.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools APIs and Business Functions Guide.