Understanding the Requisition Entry Program

Whereas the Shopping Cart program provides a simple and efficient means for users to order items such as office supplies, the Requisition Entry program (P43E10) provides the ability to enter different types of requisitions in a variety of ways, including:

  • Requisition entry using a G/L account number.

    If you know the G/L account number for the requisition, you can enter the account number instead of choosing a commodity. If the account number is associated with a commodity, the system retrieves that commodity and populates the Commodity field for you. Use the processing options for the Requisition Entry program to specify how the system displays the account number field. You can select from three formats:

    • Standard account number, displayed as one field.

    • Job cost sequence, displayed as three fields.

    • Standard account number, displayed as three separate fields.

  • Requisition entry without details.

    You can enter the header information for a requisition, such as the description, but enter the details for the requisition at a later time. The requisition remains at a status of Composing until you complete the details and then submit it for approvals. The system does not save any line default information that you enter; you must reenter it when you complete the entire requisition.

    Note: For this type of requisition, the system creates a temporary detail record in the F43E11 table that you cannot view using the Requisition Entry program. After you add requisition detail lines, the system removes the temporary detail record from the F43E11 table.
  • Requisition with multiple suppliers.

    You can select items from multiple suppliers on the same requisition. When you use the Requisition Expeditor program (P43E060) or the Batch Requisition Consolidation program (R43E060) to create purchase orders for requisitions with multiple suppliers, the system creates as many purchase orders by supplier as necessary.

  • Requisition entry for a high priority item.

    If you need to receive an item quickly, you can select the High Priority option for your requisition. Buyers can filter their search in the Requisition Expeditor program (P43E060) to process such requisitions before others.

  • Requisitions for special requests.

    If you need to request an item for which you do not have a supplier or item number, click the Special Request option, which directs the system to disable editing for the requisition. For a special request requisition, the system requires only a description; and the requisition remains at a status of Composing until you resolve and submit the requisition for approvals. If you enter a commodity for the requisition, the system then alerts the buyer attached to that commodity. If you do not enter a commodity, the system alerts the buyer attached to the Unknown commodity, if one is attached. If the Unknown commodity is not attached to a buyer, the system does not route the requisition for approval.

    After researching special requests, use the Edit Details form to resolve the requisition by entering the necessary information, and then clear the Special Request option. When you clear the Special Request option, the system performs editing on all fields, so you must enter all necessary information before you clear the option. You can then submit the requisition for approvals.

  • Requisitions with multiple account distribution.

    Using the Edit Details form, you can distribute the amount for the requisition to several accounts. For example, you can distribute the expense for window cleaning to all affected departments. You can enter multiple account distributions only for requisitions with a line type that has an inventory interface of A or B.

  • Requisitions using delegation functionality.

    You can set up users to have requisition entry rights for other users. For example, you might set up an administrative assistant with delegation rights for the managers that he supports. Using delegation authority, the administrative assistant can enter requisitions on behalf of the managers, and the system uses the managers' information, rather than the information of the administrative assistant, for approval routing.

  • Requisitions with foreign suppliers.

    Although you can also use the Shopping Cart program to enter requisitions using a foreign supplier, the Requisition Entry program enables users to view both the domestic and foreign currency for the requisition during the entry process when using a foreign supplier.

As in the Shopping Cart program, the Requisition Entry program displays the commodity structure, from which you can select the commodity for the item or service that you are requesting. If the commodity is attached to an item, the system displays a list of items from which to select in the Choose Item or Supplier subform. If a commodity is attached to specific suppliers, the system displays the suppliers in the same subform. You can also enter the commodity directly into the field, and the system displays the associated items or suppliers in the Choose Item or Supplier subform. You can also use the search feature on the Requisition Entry form to search for the commodity you want to select. Users can search for valid products and services using standard searching capability, which includes the use of wild cards.

Using processing options, you can also specify whether users are able to use the UNKNOWN commodity when entering a requisition. You can also search for a commodity using standard wildcard search functionality.

The Requisition Entry program enables you to connect to suppliers' websites to shop for items using Direct Connect. You connect to suppliers' websites by clicking the supplier number. After you click a supplier number, the system populates the Supplier Number field for you and connects you to their website.

You might have suppliers attached to a commodity that are not set up for Direct Connect. If you click a supplier that is not set up for Direct Connect; the system displays a message notifying you that it has not been set up, and then populates the Supplier Number field for you.

The Requisition Entry program enables you to add additional text for the requisition for situations where you need to provide justification or an explanation for the requisition. Click the Justification field to enter free-form text for the requisition. When the requisition is submitted for approval, the approver can view the text at the header and detail level of the requisition.

After you have determined which items you want to request, click the Add to Cart field. The system adds the items to the Requisition Cart subform. When the items are in the requisition cart, you can use the Edit Details form to add or change information for the details lines, and then click Submit. When you click Submit, the system displays the requisition number and assigns the requisition a status of Submitted. If errors occur during the requisition submit process, the system highlights the error(s), enabling you to correct the requisition and submit it again.

If you have activated budget checking in the processing options for the Requisition Entry Business Function Application, the system performs budget checking.

You can click Save for Later if you are not ready to submit the requisition. The system stores the requisition in the F43E11 table. However, the system does not perform budget checking or send the requisition through workflow approvals. The requisition remains at a Composing status.