Using Purchase Order Dispatch

If you have set up your system to use Direct Connect and Purchase Order (PO) Dispatch, you can run the Purchase Order Print program (R43500) to print the purchase orders that you have created. If the system is set up to support PO Dispatch, the R43500 calls the PO Dispatch Processor business service (J43E0030), which translates the data into cXML 1.2.016 format and posts that cXML message so that it can be received by the vendor's website.

If an error occurs during the execution of the business service for any reason, such as server unavailability or another functional issue, the system saves the data that was generated by the R43500 in the Services Error Recovery table (F0045). You can then use the Service Error Recovery program (P0045) to review the errors and resend the data. Or you can use the Services Error Recovery batch program (R0045) to resend the data to the supplier.

To use PO Dispatch to send purchase orders directly to suppliers, you must complete these steps before running the R43500: