
These processing options control the display of information in the self-service inventory inquiry program.

1. Display Option

Specify how the system displays records and quantities for the default display option. Values are:

Blank or 1: The system displays records in summary mode and quantities at the item level.

2: The system displays records in detail mode and quantities at the item/branch level.

2. Supplier View Option

Specify the default view option for suppliers. Values are:

01: Display all items.

02: Display only the items whose on-hand quantity is zero or a negative number.

03: Display only the items whose on-hand quantity is below the safety stock level.

3. Customer View Option

Specify the default view option for customers. Values are:

01: Display all items.

02: Display only the items with a available quantity greater than zero.

4. Quantity Display Option

Specify how the system displays quantities. Values are:

Blank: The system displays quantities in the actual numeric value.

1: The system displays Yes if the actual quantity exceeds zero. The system displays No if the actual quantity is less than or equal to zero.