
These processing options specify the default values for various statuses.

1. Status Purchase Order Hold (Required)

Specify the status for orders that are placed on hold. The hold codes might apply to an individual line within the order or the order as a whole. You must specify a user defined code (40/AT) that has been set up in the Order Activity Rules based on the order type and the line type that you are using.

2. Status Awaiting Acknowledgement (Required)

Specify the status of orders that are awaiting supplier acknowledgement. You must use a valid status (40/AT) that is defined in the order activity rules for this order type.

3. Status of Awaiting Approval (Required)

Specify the status of orders that the supplier has changed and that are now awaiting buyer approval.

4. Status of Approved Orders (Required)

Specify the status for orders that the supplier has acknowledged or approved.

5. Approver Address Book (Required)

Use this processing option to specify the approver's address book number. The workflow routes the order to this Address Book number for approval. When the 7. Approver Single Recipient processing option is blank, the address number in this option is used as the Parent Address Book number of the approver's distribution list in the workflow for approval. When 7. Approver Single Recipient is set to 2, the address number in this option is used as the single recipient approver address number in the workflow for approval.

6. Status of Rejected Acknowledgement (Required)

Use this processing option to identify the status of orders that are rejected during the acknowledgement process. You must use a valid status (40/AT) that has been defined in the order activity rules for this order type.

7. Approver Single Recipient (Required)

Use this processing option to determine whether a distribution list or a single recipient address book number is used in the SRM Acknowledgement Approval workflow. The workflow routes the order based on this processing option to the address book number specified for approval. Valid values are:

Blank: The system uses the distribution list for approval and uses the Address Book number specified in the 5. Approver Address Book processing option as the parent Address Book number of the approver's distribution list for workflow approvals.

1:The system enables a single recipient for approval and uses the Buyer number from the Purchase Order Detail Line as the single recipient approver for workflow approvals.

2: The system enables a single recipient for approval and uses the Address Book number specified in the 5. Approver Address Book processing option as the single recipient approver address number for workflow approvals.