Forms Used to Process Shipment Notifications and Receipt Routing

Form Name




Search for Order Lines to Notify


Select the PO Awaiting Shipment Advanced Search task.

Search for purchase orders that are awaiting shipment.

View Orders to Ship


Select the Purchase Orders Awaiting Shipment alert.

Select the Purchase Orders Awaiting Shipment Next x Days alert.

Select the Purchase Orders Awaiting Shipment Past Due alert.

Access purchase orders that are awaiting shipment to send a shipment notification.

Notify Order Shipment


Click the Find link on the Search for Order Lines to Notify page.

Click the order number link on the View Orders to Ship page.

Notify the buyer of a shipment.

Note: Whether the shipment notification results only in a status update or results in moving the receipt into routing depends on the how the processing options are set for the version of the Self-Service - Purchase Order Receipts program (P4312S) that you are using.

Edit Line Item Detail


Click an EDIT link on the Orders Awaiting Shipment page.

Specify the shipment identifier, quantity to ship, country of origin and shipment date.

View Orders on Route


Select the Purchase Orders At Route Step alert.

Select the Purchase Orders At Route Step More Than x Days alert.

Access shipments that are at a specific route step to advance the routing of the shipment.

Move Line Items on Route


Select the Movement In Route Advanced Search task.

Move a shipment to the next route operation and specify quantity and lot information.

Edit Line Item Detail


Click an Edit link on the Move Line Items on Route page.

Update the movement details, as well as lot information. This system passes this information to the receipt process if the next step moves the quantity into stock.