JD Edwards EnterpriseOne SRMC Overview

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne SRM portlet from Oracle, in conjunction with the Collaborative Portal, enables your suppliers to access timely and accurate information about their orders at their convenience, without having to wait for a response from your purchasing department. When you allow suppliers quick and cost-effective access to your enterprise information, not only can suppliers more easily conduct business with you, but you can also increase your supply chain efficiency and improve your relationships with suppliers.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne SRM portlet, used in conjunction with the Collaborative Portal, provides you with search capabilities on purchase orders, inventory, and schedules, and displays alerts to inform you when a purchase order needs acknowledgement or a schedule has changed.

The fully customizable portlet contains various tasks and alerts that enable you to access certain applications in different ways. For example, you might select the appropriate task, search for specific information before accessing the application, or receive alerts that you can use to access the application. The way that your system administrator has configured the portal determines the tasks, searches, and alerts that you see.

Note: If your company previously purchased SRM Supplier Self-Service functionality with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Xe or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.9, the original Supplier Self-Service applications and alert portlets are still available and may be added to the Collaborative Portal by your system administrator.

You can also set up viewable portlets in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supplier Relationship Management. Viewable portlets differ from configurable portlets in that they cannot be modified by users once they have been initialized.

See “Setting Up Viewable and Configurable Portlets" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Portal Content Configuration Guide.