Setting Up Versions for Supplier Self-Service

You must set up separate versions of the following programs for buyers and suppliers:

  • Purchase Orders (P4310)

  • Self Service - Purchase Order Inquiry (P4310SS)

  • Self-Service - Purchase Order Receipts (P4312S)

  • Purchase Receipts Inquiry (P43214)

You must activate the self-service processing option for the supplier versions of these programs. Activating self-service for a version causes that version to filter the data that the version can display based on the address book number of the user. By activating self-service for those versions that suppliers use, suppliers can view only their own orders.

Do not activate the self-service processing option for the buyer versions of these programs as they should not call self-service activated versions of other programs. If a buyer uses a version that had self-service activated, the buyer would not be able to see any orders because the system display only orders for which the buyer's address book number was listed as the supplier.