Manual Payments

These processing options control the creation of manual payments. Use these processing options only on the version of the A/P Standard Voucher Entry program that you use for manual payments without voucher match.

1. Manual Payment Creation

Specify whether to generate manual payments instead of automatic payments.

This option applies only to manual payments without voucher match and is not available in multicompany and multivoucher modes. Values are:

Blank: No payment information appears.

1: Generate manual payments (without voucher match).

Note: If you enter 1, click Add on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form. Then complete the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form, and click OK. Complete the Payment Information form for manual payment processing.
2. Duplicate Payments

Specify the type of message that appears when you attempt to generate or edit a duplicate payment number.

Use this option only if you enter 1 for the Manual Payment Creation processing option. The message indicates that you have used that payment number previously. Values are:

Blank: Error

1: Warning

3. Automatic Payment Number Assignment

Specify whether the program automatically assigns payment numbers to manual payments based on the bank account's next number. Values are:

Blank: Manually assign payment numbers (default).

1: Assigns payment numbers.