Print Option

1. Enter a '1' to change unsatisfied, expired logs that have a pay effect of 'Y' and status code of 'Y' to a status code of 'N'. If left blank the status will not be updated.

Specify whether the system updates the status code for logs. Values are:

Blank: Does not update the log status code.

1: Updates the logs status code to N.

The status code is updated only if pay effect is Y and the logs status code is Y. The issue date and expired date must be prior to today's date.

2. Enter a '1' to print a contract management report. If left blank no report will print.

Specify whether the contract management report is printed. Values are:

Blank: No report is printed.

1: The report is printed.

3. Enter a '1' to print the associated log text. If left blank, log text will not print.

Specify whether the associated text is printed. Values are:

Blank: No associated text is printed.

1: Associated text is printed.