This image shows the Orchestrations > Custom service request design page in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Studio. The first section contains the following fields and values: Service Request: Groovy_Export_JSON Product Code: 55 A text box for adding a short description, which contains "Groovy_Export_JSON". The next section contains an edit area for including Groovy or Java. There are two options at the top: Groovy and Java. Groovy is selected. The edit area contains back and forward buttons, Find features for locating text in the code, and a Go to Line field. The edit area shows a portion of the Groovy script that you can find in the steps in this task. Below the edit area is a section for defining inputs and outputs, including a section for defining an array output. The top of this section contains a Load Outputs button and a Test button. Below this are three grids: an input grid, an output grid, and an Array Output grid that has an Output Array field above it. The Input grid has two columns: Input and Test Value. It contains one row: Input = One Line Data; Test Value = {fs_DATABROWSE_V01 (the rest of this value is cut off) The Output grid has three column: Output, Variable Name, Test Output. This grid contains the following four rows, with values only in the Output column; the rest of the columns are blank: JSONComplete JSONOutFileName json JSONcount The Array Output grid is blank.