This image shows the Orchestration design page in the Orchestrator Studio. After the title bar is the Orchestration field which contains "Groovy_Export_Files". This other fields and their values in the header area of the form are: Orchestration Version: Version 2 (default value) Product COde: 55 (selected from a drop-down list) A desciption field that contains the description as described in the preceding steps. And lastly a Long Description button for accessing a dialog box for entering a long description. Next is the Orchestration Steps grid, which contains the following controls at the top: X to delete a step. An "Add Step Above" button. An "Add Step Below" button. Input Format: JDE Standard (selected from a drop-down list) The column headings in the Orhestration Steps grid are: Type, Action, Iterate Over, Name There are four rows in the grid that represent the orchestration steps, which contain the following values respective to the column headings: Data Request, , , Get_AddressBooks Custom, , , Groovy_Export_CSV Custom, , , Groovy_Export_JSON Custom, , , Groovy_Export_XML Below the name in the Name column is the status of the user defined object (which in this case is "personal" for all three steps) and the object name/ID of the user defined object. Below the steps grid is another grid for working with orchestration inputs, which is divided into three separate expandable grids: Orchestration Inputs, Values from Steps, and System Values. The nodes are collapsed. Adjacent to the Orchestration Steps gris is the Transformations section, which contains a "Map Inputs" button and an Iterate Over drop-down list at the top. Below these controls is a grid for mapping orchestration inputs to inputs in the orchestration steps. The Transformations grid has the following columns: "Custom" Input: "Custom" changes depending on the type of step selected in the Orchestration Steps grid, for example this would change to "Data Request Input" if a data request steps was selected in the orchestrations grid. Available Values Default Value This grid contains one row with these values: Custom Input = One Line Data Available Values = Get_AddressBooks.output Below this section are the following controls for defining orchestration output and an orchestration schedule: Orchestration Output button Schedule drop-down list, which is blank. New Schedule button