Oracle by Example brandingMigrating JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to Oracle Cloud for Microsoft SQL Server on Windows

section 0Before You Begin

This 120-minute tutorial shows you how to migrate your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data from an on-premises system with SQL Server database on Windows to Oracle Cloud.


Currently, the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility only supports the migration of a single pathcode from your on-premises environment to the EnterpriseOne instance in Oracle. You can run this process a single time from end to end. However, you do have the option to import from one on-premises pathcode to a different pathcode on the Cloud instance. For example, you can export your on-premises PD920 environment and import to DV920 on the Cloud instance. The utility has scripts packaged within the database migration that will synchronize the database records accordingly.

Before starting the migration process, make sure all traditional objects are checked in for the pathcode you plan to migrate. Project information will not be migrated to the Cloud instance. User Defined Objects (UDOs) that are reserved to a real project will be moved to the users default project at the end of the migration process.

The Oracle Cloud Migration Utility can be used only if the on-premises environment is running at least Tools release 9.2.x with Applications 9.1 and later. After the migration is complete, your cloud compute instance will be running the same applications release as your on-premises environment.

Supported on-premises environment:

  • Enterprise One Applications release 9.1 and later
  • Enterprise One Tools 9.2
  • SQL Server database on Windows

Note: It is recommended that you load the media objects to the database by setting up and running R98MODAT prior to running the migration export for Tools releases 9.2.1 and later. For Tools releases prior to 9.2.1, you need to downgrade the Oracle Cloud environment to the same release as the on-premises tools release and reset F00942T for the applicable path codes prior to running the import part of the migration. See Uploading Media Object Files to Database in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Runtime Administration Guide.

The Deployment Server migration will be performed by the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility and database scripts. The Oracle Cloud Migration Utility is deployed using Change Assistant. The migration has the following two parts:

  1. Export – execution on the on-premises Deployment Server and Database Server.
  2. Import – execution on the Deployment Server and Database Server on the Cloud instance.

The Oracle Cloud Migration Utility export process exports system table data and pathcode folders (Solution Explorer, media objects, source, include, res, java). The database scripts export Business Data and Shared Data (for example, Object Librarian and Data Dictionary).

The import process imports the system table data as Append Only, and F9860W, F9861W data as Replace Table along with Business Data and pathcode folder structures on the Deployment Server.

You have to download the following deliverables from the Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Update Center. To locate these deliverables in the Update Center, select JD Edwards EnterpriseOne from the Type field in the Search tab, and then enter the name of the migration utility in the Search for Name field.

  • JDE_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Win_with_SQL_DB1.0 (JDE_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Win_with_SQL_DB1.0_20_99.par)
  • JDE_9.2_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Linux (JDE_OPC_Migration_3.0.par) (To extract the Deployment Server .par file)

In this tutorial, you will:

  1. Execute Oracle Cloud Migration Utility on the on-premises Deployment Server.
  2. Run the export script on the on-premises Database Server.
  3. Execute the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility on the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.
  4. Run the import script on the Database Server on the Cloud instance.

What Do You Need?

To perform the steps in this tutorial, you must have:

  • A subscription to Oracle Cloud. You must be a user with the Compute Operations role. For more information, see How to Begin with Oracle Compute Cloud Service Subscriptions in Using Oracle Compute Cloud Service.
  • Created a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne target system on Oracle Cloud.
    • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications release for the target environment should be same as source environment.
    • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release for the target environment should be or later.
  • Verified that the database size on the Cloud instance is large enough for the import and that the database configuration/parameters are validated or tuned for your business needs (for example, maximum extend and extend size parameters).
  • Created a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multi Tier Deployment on Oracle Compute Cloud Instances. See the Multi Tier or One-Click Provisioning OBEs for more information.
  • Installed the latest Change Assistant on the on-premises Deployment Server and the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.
  • Downloaded the JDE_OPC_Migration_3.0.par and JDE_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Win_with_SQL_DB1.0_20_99.par from the Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Update Center.

    JDE_9.2_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Linux (JDE_OPC_Migration_3.0.par) contains:

    • TLOPCV3_20_99.par (Move this file to the on-premises Deployment Server.)

    JDE_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Win_with_SQL_DB1.0 (JDE_Migration_Utility_3.1_for_Win_with_SQL_DB1.0_20_99.par) contains:
    • Export folder with export scripts (Move this folder to the on-premises Database Server.)
    • Import folder with import scripts (Move this folder to the Database Server on the C
    • .
  • Verified you can execute the following command on the source and destination machines:<dbuser>/<dbpass>@<netname>.

Note: The Oracle Cloud Migration Utility assumes that the on-premises Deployment Server and the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance are identical. This includes the date format of the operating system. To avoid errors, verify that the date formats on both servers are identical prior to executing the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility

section 1Execute the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility on the On-Premises Deployment Server

The Deployment Server migration migrates pathcode files (source, include, res, java, Solution Explorer,and media objects) from the on-premises Deployment Server to the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.

  1. Start Change Assistant on the on-premises Deployment Server.
  2. Expand the Work with Packages tree node and select Downloads.
  3. Select Cloud Migration Utility (TLOPCV3_20_99.par) from within Change Assistant.
  4. Select New Batch Deploy.
  5. Verify the Batch Information dialog box and click OK.
  6. Sign in to the JDEPLAN environment.
    After initialization, Cloud Migration Utility – Export is displayed, indicating what actions are performed.
  7. After reviewing the actions, click Next.
  8. Deployment Server Export
    Deployment Server Export
  9. On Object Path Search & Select, select a pathcode to export.
  10. On Deployment Synchronization Warning, select Synchronize CNC Data Now (R9840C/XJDE0002).
    Select Work with Environment Data Sources? (GH9611/P98503)?* only if you have custom environments, and then click Next.
  11. Deployment Server Export
    Deployment Synchronization Warning
  12. Verify that the Copy System/Plan Information Report (R9840C/XJDE0002) has Completed Normally in the Result column.
  13. Deployment Server Export
    Copy System/Plan Information Report
  14. On Work With Environment Data Sources, select the environment to copy from and click Add.
  15. Select Include Pathcode Files and Include System Data, and then click Next.
  16. Deployment Server Export
    Export Options
  17. Review the reports generated during the export of the system tables and ensure they were successful.
  18. The Save & Exit, Export dialog box signals the end of the export process for the On-premises Deployment Server. Review the listed tasks and click Save and Exit.
  19. Save & Exit, Export
    Save & Exit, Export
  20. On the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.
    Note: At this point, a batch has been created in Change Assistant.
  21. Return to Change Assistant, select the Work with Batches tree node.
  22. Select your batch and click Export to jar.
  23. Indicate a name and location to save the .jar file, and click Save.
  24. On the Select Deployment Location dialog box, click Cancel.
  25. Transfer the .jar file to the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.
  26. Exit Change Assistant.

section 2Run the Export Script on the On-Premises Database Server

The jde_exp_sql.ps1 script exports data from the on-premises database into dump files, which can be moved to the Database Server on the Cloud instance. You have to execute this script on the machine where the Database Server instance is running.

Note: The jde_exp_sql.ps1 script is a Windows PowerShell script that contains a list of commands PowerShell should execute. This PowerShell script has to be executed in a PowerShell environment (that is, from a PowerShell command window).

  1. Navigate to where you downloaded the export files on the on-premises Database Server (for example, C:\Export\scripts).
  2. Edit the sql_setvar_exp file with your information. Ensure that there is no trailing whitespace at the end of lines.
  3. This image shows the exp_set file.
    The exp_set file.
    PATHCODE_PREFIX The pathcode to export. Valid values are: PY, PD, DV, and PS.
    PATHCODE_RELEASE The patchode to export. Valid values are: 920 and above.
    SHARED Export data dictionary and object librarian schemas. YES must be used for migration.
    DBSERVER The name of the SQL Server.
    DUMP_DEST The full path where you want the database dump files created.
    *Ensure the directory exists*
    SA_USER The database user with privileges to the tablespaces being exported (for example, system).
    SA_PASSWORD The password for the SA_USER.
  4. Save and close sql_setvar_exp.
  5. Run jde_exp_sql.ps1 as Oracle user from a PowerShell command window.
  6. Verify that “successfully completed” is found in all generated log files and .dmp files were successfully created in the specified location.
  7. Transfer the .dmp files to a folder on the Database Server on the Cloud instance for importing in a later step.

section 3Execute the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility on the Deployment Server in Oracle Cloud Instances

Import the .jar file with Change Assistant on the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.

Note: Verify that the ActivConsole is not running.

  1. Create a new folder on the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance (for example, /Change Assistant/downloads/ new folder)
  2. Access Change Assistant from the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.
  3. In Change Assistant, select the Work with Batches tree node.
  4. On the tool bar, click the Import from jar button.
  5. In the Import Batch From dialog box, navigate to your jar file, and then click Open.
  6. On the Import Batch To dialog box, navigate to the Change Assistant downloads directory on the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance, and then click Open.
  7. Verify the Batch Information dialog box and click OK.
  8. Sign in to the JDEPLAN environment.
  9. On the Save & Exit, Export dialog box, click Next.
  10. On Deployment Server Import, read the tasks that will be performed by the import, and then click Next.
  11. Deployment Server Import
    Deployment Server Import
  12. On Object Path Search & Select, select the pathcode to import. If the release of the selected pathcode does not match the release of the on-premises instance, you will get the following error:
    Pathcode Error
    Pathcode Error
  13. On Deployment Synchronization Warning, de-select Synchronize CNC Data Now (R9840C/XJDE0002) and Work with Environment Data Sources? (GH9611/P98503)?*, then click Next.
  14. Deployment Server Export
    Deployment Synchronization Warning
  15. On Backup Options, select Include Pathcode files and Include System Data, and then click Next.
  16. Review the backup reports for success.
  17. On Import Options, select to Include Pathcode files and Include System Data, and then click Next.
  18. Review the import reports for success.
    Note: If you are importing to a 9.2.0.x Tools release, you can ignore "Open XML failed" messages in the reports for tables F00942T and F98MODAT as they do not exist prior to the 9.2.1.x Tools release.
  19. Review the Cloud Server Tasks, and then click Next.
    Run Import Script
    Cloud Server Tasks
  20. On Deployment Succeeded, click Finish.

section 4Run the Import Script on the Oracle Cloud Database Server

The jde_imp_sql.ps1 script imports data from the dump files generated by the export script into the Database Server on the Compute Cloud service.

Note: The jde_imp_sql.ps1 script is a Windows PowerShell script that has to be executed in a PowerShell environment (that is, from a PowerShell command window).

  1. Navigate to where you uploaded the import scripts on the Database Server on the Compute Cloud service (for example, C:\Export\scripts).
  2. Edit the sql_setvar_imp file with your information. Ensure that there is no trailing whitespace at the end of lines.
  3. The imp_set file
    The imp_set file
    FROM_PATHCODE_PREFIX The pathcode to import from. Valid values are: PY, PD, DV, and PS.
    TO_PATHCODE_PREFIX The pathcode to import to. Valid values are: PY, PD, DV, and PS. If this is left blank, it is the same as FROM_PATHCODE_PREFIX.
    PATHCODE_RELEASE The pathcode to import from. Valid values are: 920 and above.
    SHARED Import data dictionary and object librarian schemas. YES must be used for migration.
    DBSERVER The name of the SQL Server.
    DUMP_LOC Location where the dump files are located.
    SA_USER The database user with privileges to the tablespaces being imported (for example, system).
    SA_PASSWORD The password for the SA_USER.
    DEP_SVR_NAM The name of the Deployment Server on the Cloud instance.
    This value is case-sensitive and should be uppercase.
    PRE_DEP_SVR The name of the on-premises Deployment Server.
    This value is case-sensitive and should be uppercase.
    SYSTEM Update system tables. YES must be used for migration.
    ENT_SVR_NAM The name of the Enterprise Server on the Cloud instance.
    This value is case-sensitive and should be lowercase.
    PRE_ENT_SVR The name of the on-premises Enterprise Server.
    This value is case-sensitive and should be lowercase.
    EXCLUDE_TBLE Names of the tables to be excluded from import (for example, F98770, F98762, F98761, and F98760).
  4. If you have not done so, transfer the exported *.dmp files from your on-premises Database Server to the DUMP_DEST folder on the Database Server on the Compute Cloud service.
    Note: Verify that the DUMP_DEST already exists and the Oracle user has write privileges.
  5. Save and close sql_setvar_imp.
  6. Run jde_imp_sql.ps1 as Oracle user from a PowerShell command window.
  7. Examine all of the created log files and ensure they were successful.

section 5Post Tasks

  1. Run R98403A on the Deployment Server on the Compute Cloud service to copy ESU tables (F9670, F9671, and F9672) with the following values:
    • Processing Options:
    • Processing Options Value
      Source Environment Blank
      Source Data Source System - 920
      Target Environment Blank
      Target Data Source System Local
      Copy Table 1
      Replace Duplicate Records Y
      Clear Target Table Blank

  2. Apply the latest planner ESU on the Deployment Server on the Compute Cloud service.

    IMPORTANT: Before applying the latest planner ESU, verify that the “InstallPath” in the registry is the location where your Deployment Server is installed.

    Registry location:
    "InstallPath"="C:\\JDEdwards\\E920" (or above)
  3. Build and deploy a new full package to your target environment.
  4. Run Work with User Defined Objects (P98220U) to re-share One View Reports (OVR), if you have an OVR server configured on the Oracle Cloud. To do so:
    1. Select Shared for User Defined Object Status.
    2. Select One View Reports for User Defined Object Type.
    3. Click Find.
    4. Select the applicable objects and click Approve / Share on the Row menu.
      When the process completes, the selected objects will be available on the BI Publisher Server.
      Note: Only shared OVRs are migrated; if you need personal OVRs migrated, refer the My Oracle Support Document ID: 2158173.1
  5. Run R98222UDO on the HTML Server to add User Defined Objects (UDO) to default projects.
    Note: After the Oracle Cloud Migration Utility and Database Import, Personal and Reserved UDOs need to be placed on the user's default project. Because the OMW project data was not migrated, the default projects do not exist. R98222UDO creates the default project and adds the user's Personal or Reserved UDOs.

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