Clearing File Attachments from the Browser Cache

In a typical environment, file attachments (such as Media Object attachments and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne reports) are automatically cached into the \Temporary Internet Files directory on web-based client machines when these attachments are opened from a browser. This situation allows copies of confidential documents, such as Media Objects, images, and web pages, to proliferate across workstations on which these objects are opened.

To prevent these objects from persisting in the internet cache, administrators should configure the browsers to automatically clear the cache when the client closes the browser. This protection is particularly important in a kiosk environment. The procedure for clearing the cache depends on the type of browser. Refer to the relevant task below to secure the browser used in your system.

In addition to securing the browser cache, Media Object Security was added in 8.96 to ensure that media objects can be secured within the application. For more information on this topic, see "Managing Media Object Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.

This section describes these tasks: