Import the Server Manager Console Certificate into All Java Installations That Are Used by Embedded Agents
As is true for the preceding procedure, you must perform these steps for all Server Manager Agent JDKs.
Using the principles shown preceding procedure, you must also import the Server Manager Console certificate into all Java installations that are used by embedded agents to communicate with the Server Manager Console. Specifically, the certificate needs to be imported for each of the following:
JDK used by WebLogic or WebSphere
JRE used by the Enterprise Server kernel processes.
This is either the JRE specified in:
The JDE system directory. For example:
<platform pack install location>/jdedwardsppack/e910/system/jre/
The value of
in theJDE.INI
Example: Importing the certificate into the JDK used by the embedded agent on the Enterprise Server:
If a value is assigned to
in theJDE.INI
file on the Enterprise Server, you should import the certificate into thecacerts
file of the JRE corresponding to the value ofInProcessJVMHome
. You can adapt instructions below to use the path to this JRE.If no value is assigned to
in the JDE.INI file, you should import the certificate into thecacerts
file of the JRE in the JDE system directory. For example, the directory might be named:<platform pack install location>/jdedwardsppack/e910/system/jre/
Below is an example command line to import a certificate (enter as a single contiguous line):
/opt/jdedwardsppack/e920/system/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore
/opt/jdedwardsppack/e920/system/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass PASSWORD
-noprompt -alias mynewcert -file
The above commands results in the new certificate being created as shown below:
This example assumes the following:
Certificate password is PASSWORD
Path to the JRE is:
Path to the
file is:/opt/jde_home_ent/SCFHA/jdk/jre/bin/mynewcertificate.cer
Using the above example, for your installation you should edit the values accordingly.