Locating and Running the OEE12Setup.exe Program from the Command Line

  1. If you downloaded the OEE12Setup.exe installer and have not already done so, expand all disk images to be under a common directory called Disk1 on your Deployment Server. If you are using the OEE12Setup.exe installer provided by your EnterpriseOne administrator, determine where the installer's directory is located.

    Tip: Refer to the preceding Tip: Installation Methods for a list of various installation methods.
    Caution: You cannot run OEE12Setup.exe if you are logged in as an Administrator. For optimal security, you should install and configure with a Windows User Account with limited privileges. For additional details on the Oracle policy regarding Supporting Oracle Home User on Windows, refer to this link:http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/NTQRF/oh_usr.htm
  2. Open a command prompt window.

  3. From within the command prompt window, change directory (cd) to the directory that contains the extracted contents of the OEE12Setup.exe installer. For example:

    \\DeploymentServer\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\ORACLE

Caution: Be sure you use the correct set of files for the Oracle 12c local database as described below.The OEE installer for OEE 11g was called OEESetup.exe and was accompanied by 15 "cab" files named E1Local.cab through E1Local15.cab.The OEE installer for OEE 12c is called OEE12Setup.exe and has 20 "cab" files called E1Local12c.cab through E1Local12c20.cab.