Testing the Vertex Quantum Connection from

Use the following procedures to test the Vertex Quantum connection from Release 9.2.

To test the Vertex Quantum for Payroll Tax interface:

  1. Access the Payroll Workbench menu (G07BUSP11), and select Pay Cycle Workbench.

    The Work with Payroll Cycle Workbench panel appears.

  2. Specify pre-payroll information and submit the pre-payroll.

    For information about the Payroll Workbench and submitting pre-payroll, see Processing Pre-Payroll in the Release 9.2 Payroll Implementation Guide.

  3. If no taxes are being calculated, there may be a setup or configuration problem.

    Verify the following to make sure setup is correct:

  4. For the Vertex Quantum for Sales and Use Tax interface:

    In the Fast Path field, enter P73GEO.

    The Retrieve GeoCode panel appears.

  5. On the Retrieve GeoCode panel, enter CO in the State field and DENVER in the City field, and click Find.

    The code 060310140 should appear in the grid.

  6. If nothing appears in the grid, a setup or configuration problem might exist.

    Verify the following to make sure setup is correct:

    • These values are set in the Work with Quantum Constants Revision table, accessed by the Constants application (P7306) on menu G731:

    Quantum Active: Y
    Canada Country Code: CA
    Note: Changes to the Work with Quantum Constants Revision table do not take effect until you have logged off of your system and logged back on.
    • Required Release 9.2 objects are mapped to the server where the Vertex Quantum for Sales and Use Tax APIs reside.

      Also ensure that correct values are assigned to the Data Source, Server, User ID, and Password fields on the Database Connection panel. Instructions for both procedures are specified in the section of this chapter entitled Mapping Objects to the Enterprise Server