Entering Plan Location Information

To enter plan location information:

This image is described in the surrounding text.
  1. When you are prompted to enter new location information, click the OK button to enter a new location.

  2. On Location Revisions, complete these fields:




    Enter the location to which this plan applies. The location could be a city, company headquarters, or a division of a company.


    Enter a description of the location name.

    Location Code

    For a remote location, enter a 3-character alphanumeric identification code. This 3-character code is used as a prefix for the environments of the remote location, and a suffix is attached for replicated data sources. For example, you might use DAL if the location were Dallas, Texas. In that case, the prototype environment would be named DALPY920, and the business data data source would be named Business Data - CRPDAL.

    Parent Location

    Enter the parent location to which this remote location is attached.

  3. Click OK.