General Problems

This section describes these general problems:

TC Has No Saved Input Table Specs

This error indicates that the table conversion cannot be run from the Table Conversion Workbench because it does not have saved input table specifications. To resolve the error, you must either fix the table conversion using TC Design Aid or run it from batch versions.

TC Input Table Does Not Exist

This error indicates that the table conversion cannot be run because the input table does not exist. This problem can be caused by DBMS or host operating system security issues. Use these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. The table that is being reported as missing is the input table for the specified table conversion.Usually the missing table is the based-on table in the TC Schedule, but in some cases it is not.

  2. Check the jde.log and your security setup in the DBMS to determine whether this is a security issue. If so, take corrective actions.

  3. If this is not a security issue, you must determine why the table is missing and whether you have a business purpose for this particular table conversion to be run.

Unable to Submit TC to Server

This error may occur when you choose to run your TCs on the Enterprise Server but the TC Workbench was unable to submit the TC to the server. You should check to ensure the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne services on the Enterprise Server are up and running. Also check the logs on the Enterprise Server.

Unknown Table Conversion Error

The error occurs when the table conversion shell UBE (R98405A) to due to an unknown error. If you ran the table conversion locally, check the jde.log and the table conversion log (if it exists). If you ran the table conversion on the Enterprise Server, check the logs on that machine.

If you cannot locate any special re-run instructions for this table-conversion, use these procedures to resolve:

  1. Correct the problems that caused the failure.

  2. Restore tables if necessary.

  3. Drop the temporary table (FTCTEMP) if necessary.

  4. Re-run the process.

Unknown Error TC Input Checking

This error occurs when the Table Conversion Workbench checks the input table against the saved input table specifications in the table conversion and it encounters an unknown error. As a result, the table conversion was marked as failed. Check the jde.log to diagnose this error.

Conversion Program Failed

This error occurs when a scheduled table conversion program did not complete successfully. If you ran the table conversion locally, checked the jde.log and the TC Engine log (if it exists). If you ran the table conversion on the Enterprise Server, check the R98405A log and the TC Engine log on the server.

If you cannot locate any special re-run instructions for this table-conversion, use these procedures to resolve:

  1. Correct the problems that caused the failure.

  2. Restore tables if necessary.

  3. Drop the temporary table (FTCTEMP) if necessary.

  4. Re-run the process.

Conversion Has Unprocessed Dependencies

This error occurs when a conversion program could not be launched because it is dependent on other scheduled conversion programs which did not run to successful completion. You must correct the errors for the conversion program on which this conversion is dependent. You must either run Convert All or run the dependency conversion and then run this conversion. If you choose Convert All, it will automatically retry this table conversion.

Default Environment Missing on Server

This error occurs if your Upgrade Plan indicates to run table conversions on the server and the default environment defined in the server JDE.INI file has not been installed on your server. For example, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne includes this default setting in the JDE.INI on your Enterprise Server:


where nnn is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application release level. For example, 920. Ensure that the specified environment exists.

Inconsistent Queue Definitions

This error occurs if your Upgrade Plan indicates to run table conversions on the server and the default queue defined in Queue Control Status Master (F986130) in JDEPlan does not exist in the Queue Control Status Master on the Enterprise Server. To resolve the error condition, perform either of these steps:

  1. Change the default queue defined in the planner environment to match the queue that is defined on the server.

  2. Sign in to the Deployment Environment (for example, DEP920), or a deployed development client, and add a queue definition on the server to match the default queue that is defined in the Planner environment.

In either case, you must run application P986130 to update the table.

Note: This error may also be generated by a failure to open the Queue table in the System datasource. Use to the jde.log to verify if this is the case.

Invalid TC Max Jobs in Plan

This error indicates your plan has specified the maximum table conversion job as 0 while the Table Conversion Workbench is assuming the maximum jobs are set to 4.

Security Server Turned On

This error indicates you have turned on the Security Server in the JDE.INI file on the Deployment Server, Enterprise Server, or both. As previously stated, you cannot run Table Conversions with the Security Server turned on. Refer to the jde.log for more details.

This setting in the JDE.INI indicates whether the Security Server is turned on:


In order to turn off the Security Server, the value for the SecurityServer= setting must be blank.

Services Inactive, Cannot Run on Server

This error occurs if your Upgrade Plan specifies to run table conversions on the Enterprise Server but the services are not started. You must ensure that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne services on your Enterprise Server are up and running before running table conversions on the server.

Submission Problems

This section discusses troubleshooting submission problems for these tables:

F9843 and F9843T

The Table Conversion Schedule (GH9611) application reads these tables to find all conversions that will be run. They are conversion types 3, 31, and 32. Table Conversions that must run on the Deployment Server are flagged here.

These tables reside in the System Local and System - 920 data sources.


The Workbench Status (GH961)application reads this table to find table conversion scheduler records (among others) that are copied from F9843 to F98405 during Finalize Plan. The Workbench uses records in this table, which resides in the Planner - 920 data source..


The History (GH9611) application uses this table to store table conversion history. A new record is created in this table every time a conversion is launched. The R98405A report writes the status for a completed conversion to this table. Table Conversion Workbench polls this table for completion status and updates the status in the F98405 table.

This table resides in the System - 920 data source. The table is originally mapped to the OneWorld Planner The B7334 data source. It is copied to the System - 920 data source and remapped during Release Master. The table must be in the System data source so conversions on the Enterprise Server can communicate their completion status back to Table Conversion Workbench.


The Submitted Reports (GH9011) application creates records in this table for conversions that are launched on the server. They can be viewed using Submitted Reports. This table resides in the Server Map data source.


The Job Queues (GH9013) application is used to define job queues that can be used by the Installation Planner in the JDEPLAN environment. If any queues have been defined, they are copied to the system data source during Release Master. If no queues have been defined, Release Master creates default queues in the system data source. The Enterprise Server is mapped to the table in the system data source. The job queues can be viewed by logging into the DEP9 environment and opening the Job Queues application. This table resides in the System - Local and System - 920 data sources.