
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • , Client Network Config Summary page 4.14



  • base image reinstallation 10.11
  • base image utilities 10.14.1
  • batteries
    • life expectancy B.2
    • replacement policy B.2
  • BDA_REBOOT files 6.4.3, 11.1.14
  • configuration archive 4.3
  • bdacheckcluster utility 11.1.1
  • bdacheckhw utility 7.5, 11.1.2, 12.4.2
  • bdacheckib utility 11.1.3
  • bda-checkip.out file 3.5
  • bdachecknet-cluster utility 8.4.3, 11.1.4
  • bdachecknet-rack utility 11.1.5
  • bdachecksw utility 7.5, 11.1.6, 12.4.2
  • bdacli utility 11.1.7
  • bdaclustersynctime utility 11.1.34
  • bdaconfiguredisk utility 11.1.8
  • BdaDeploy.json file 4.3
  • bdadiag utility 11.1.9
  • bdagetclientconfig utility 11.1.11
  • bdaibstatus utility 11.1.13
  • bdaid utility 11.1.12
  • bdaimagevalidate utility 11.1.14
  • bda-install-review.html file 4.3
  • BDAMammoth directory 10.13
  • BDA-O repair category B.1
  • file 4.3
  • bdaredoclientnet utility 11.1.16
  • bdaredousb utility 11.1.17
  • bdaserials utility 11.1.19
  • BDA server offline repair category B.1
  • bdaswapoff utility 11.1.20
  • bdaswapon utility 11.1.21
  • bdaupdatefw utility 11.1.22
  • Big Data Appliance
    • See: Oracle Big Data Appliance
  • Big Data Connectors
    • See: Oracle Big Data Connectors
  • Big Data SQL
    • starting, stopping, restarting 11.1.7
  • black cables C.1, D.1, E.1
  • blue cables C.1, D.1, E.1
  • bondeth0 interface
    • network connections 3.1.1
  • bondib0 interface
  • bondib0 network
  • boot order, resetting 11.1.29
  • breaker panels 2.4.3


  • cables 1.4
  • cable tie,
  • cabling
    • client network 3.2
    • eight racks F.9
    • existing network requirements 2.7
    • five racks F.6
    • four racks F.5
    • multirack 9.3, F.1
    • seven racks F.8
    • six racks F.7
    • spare parts B.9
    • three racks F.4
    • two racks F.3
  • cabling tables
    • with KVM (Sun Fire servers) E
    • without KVM (X4-2L and X3-2L servers) D
    • without KVM (X7–2, X6-2, and X5-2 servers) C
  • cage nuts 6.2.1
  • casters 6.3.1
  • cautions 12.2.3
  • CDH
  • CDH cluster configuration 4.13.2
  • CDH cluster logs 11.1.9
  • CDH installation 10.13.2
  • CDH ports 3.4
  • CDH services, starting 10.13.2
  • ceiling height requirements 2.2
  • checking cluster configuration 11.1.4
  • checking firmware 7.5
  • checking network configuration 11.1.5
  • checking the server software 11.1.6
  • circuit breakers 2.4.3, 6.4.3
  • Cisco switch
    • See: Ethernet switch
  • CleanupInstall step 10.13.2
  • CleanupSSHroot step 10.13.2
  • CLI, Oracle ILOM 15.1.1
  • client access network
    • cabling requirements 2.7
    • description 3.1.2
    • requirements 2.7
  • client configuration distribution 11.1.11
  • client network 3.2.1
  • Client network
  • client network connections 3.2.5
  • CLI utility 11.1.7
  • clock configuration
  • Cloud Control 1.5
  • Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop
  • cluster_name-config.json 4.3
  • cluster expansion 10.6
  • cluster name configuration 4.12
  • cluster naming conventions 4.5.3
  • cluster-networksetup script 8.4.2
  • Cluster page (configuration) 4.13
  • cluster reimaging 10.14.2
  • cluster validation 11.1.4
  • cmf.keytab file 10.2
  • collecting diagnostics 11.1.9
  • color coding, cables C.1, D.1, E.1
  • command files, executing across servers 14.2
  • command-line interface 11.1.7
  • commands, remote execution across servers 1.5, 14
  • Complete page 4.15
  • component configuration, full or starter rack 7
  • component failure, environmental causes 2.5
  • component names 4.5.4
  • components
  • configuration
    • disk controller 13.1.1
    • editing in the Configuration Generation utility 4.2
    • full or starter rack components 7
    • physical drives 13.1.3
    • querying 11.1.7
    • virtual drive 13.1.2
  • Configuration 4.14
  • configuration files 4.3
  • Configuration Generation Utility
  • configuration worksheets
    • See: Configuration Generation Utility
  • configure terminal command
  • configuring a new disk 13.6
  • configuring ASR 5.2
  • configuring Ethernet switch 7.2.2,
  • configuring KVM 7.1, 7.1.3
  • configuring servers 7.5
  • connecting KVM to the network 7.1.2
  • connectors
    • See: Oracle Big Data Connectors
  • cooling requirements 2.1
  • copper cables 1.4
  • copying files 14.1.1
  • CopyLicenseFiles step 10.13.2
  • corrosion problems 2.5
  • CreateUsers step 10.13.2
  • Customer Details Page (configuration) 4.5




  • Fabric Management 7.3.3
  • factory image reinstallation 10.11
  • factory patches 10.13.2
  • failover connections 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1
  • fan modules
    • server status indicators B.3.1
    • switch status indicators B.3.2
  • files, copying to multiple servers 14.2
  • filler panels 2.6
  • firewall configuration 2.8
  • Firmware State status 13.6
  • firmware updates 11.1.22
  • first server location 7.6.1
  • flooring
  • floor load 2.2.1, 2.3
  • floor tiles 2.6
  • Foreign State status 13.6
  • forklift 2.2.1
  • FRUs B
  • full rack component configuration 7


  • gateway configuration
  • gateway switches
    • assigning to VNICs 3.2.1
    • cabling 3.2
    • configuring 7.3
    • connecting to Oracle ILOM 15.5.2
    • guidelines for connecting 3.2.4
    • replacing 12.4.1
    • See also InfiniBand switches 3.2.1
    • using splitter cables 3.2.2
  • gateway switch factory IP addresses 3.3
  • gateway switch ports E.8
  • General Network Properties page (configuration) 4.10
  • getmaster command 9.3, 9.4
  • getting help 11.1.12
  • ground cable 6.3.3
  • grounding resistance 6.1
  • grounding to earth 2.4.3
  • groups, hadoop 10.13.2
  • GRUB master boot records 13.9.5


  • Hadoop cluster configuration 4.13.2
  • hadoop group 10.13.2
  • Hadoop installation 10.13.2
  • Hadoop ports 3.4
  • Hadoop services, starting 10.13.2
  • hardware configuration 4.6
  • hardware diagnostics 15
  • hardware failures, automatic reporting 5.1
  • hardware profiles, acquiring from servers 7.5
  • Hardware Selection page (configuration) 4.6
  • hardware status indicators B.3
  • hardware validation 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.14
  • HBase 10.9.6
  • HDFS diagnostics 11.1.9
  • HDFS disk formatting 13.10
  • HDFS partitions 13.3.2
  • HDFS Transparent Encryption
  • hdfs user 10.13.2
  • health checks on InfiniBand switches 7.3.3
  • High Capacity node plus InfiniBand Infrastructure
    • cables 8.1.1
    • components 8.1.1
    • configuring servers 8.3
    • installing servers 8.2
    • network configuration 8.4.2
    • PDU firmware requirement 8.1.2
  • high-voltage PDUs, 12.7
  • host factory IP addresses 3.3
  • hot swap repair category B.1
  • HS repair category B.1
  • humidity range 2.5


  • ibdiagnet utility 12.4.2
  • iblinkinfo utility 11.1.23
  • ibqueryerrors utility 12.4.2
  • ibstatus utility 7.5
  • ILOM
    • See: Oracle ILOM
  • ilom-admin default password 7.3.1
  • imagehistory utility 11.1.24
  • imageinfo utility 10.6, 11.1.25
  • image validation 11.1.14
  • image version
  • incline, maximum 2.2.1
  • InfiniBand configuration 7.3
  • InfiniBand Gateway switch ports E.8
  • InfiniBand network
  • InfiniBand network interface card 3.1
  • InfiniBand Network page (configuration),,
  • InfiniBand network verification 12.4.2
  • InfiniBand ports, connecting to other devices C.7, D.7, E.8
  • InfiniBand private network 3.1.2
  • InfiniBand Subnet Manager 12.4.3
  • InfiniBand switches
  • infrastructure repair category B.1
  • installation of new servers over a starter rack 8.2
  • installation prerequisites 10.2
  • InstallBDASoftware step 10.13.2
  • InstallHadoop step 10.13.2
  • installing base image 10.11
  • installing patches 10.13.2
  • installing the software 10.4.1
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2.4.4
  • IP addresses
  • IP address requirements 2.1
  • ipmitool command 7.5
  • IP routing
  • IR repair category B.1





  • MAC addresses 11.1.19
  • MAC address of KVM switch 7.1.2
  • maintenance access requirements 2.2.2
  • makebdaimage utility 10.14.1
  • Mammoth download 10.3
  • Mammoth options 10.13.1
  • mammoth-rack_name.params file 4.3
  • Mammoth Utility
  • management network
    • cabling requirements 2.7
    • connecting the KVM 7.1.2
    • connections 2.7
    • factory IP addresses 3.3
    • ports 3.1
  • management utilities 1.5, 15.1.1
  • mapred user 10.13.2
  • master.xml configuration file 4.3
  • MegaCli64 command 7.5, 13.1.1
  • memory, adding to servers 12.3
  • Middle Eastern PDU specifications
  • minimum ceiling height 2.2
  • monitoring PDUs 12.7
  • mount_hadoop_dirs utility 11.1.27
  • mounting a device 7.6.1
  • mounting tool 6.2.1
  • mount points 13.3.2
  • multirack cabling
    • procedures 9.1
    • three to eight 9.4
    • two racks 9.3
  • multirack clusters 3.2.5
  • multirack software configuration 10.6
  • My Oracle Support email account 5.1
  • MySQL Database installation 10.13.2


  • naming conventions 4.5.4
  • NET0 3.1.2
  • network
    • connecting the KVM 7.1.2
    • factory IP addresses 3.3
  • network.json configuration file 4.3
  • network configuration 4.8
  • network configuration file 4.3
  • network configuration JSON files 8.4.1
  • network connections 2.7, 7.6.3
  • network diagrams 3.1.3, 15.2
  • network errors, checking for 3.5
  • Networking page (configuration) 4.8
  • network interfaces, InfiniBand card 3.1
  • network operations, verifying InfiniBand 12.4.2
  • network registration 2.8
  • network requirements 2.1
  • networks
  • network settings
    • preinstall validation 4.4
  • network suffix configuration 4.5
  • network time protocol 4.10, 12.6
  • network topology 12.4.3
  • network validation 11.1.1, 11.1.5
  • Node Migration 12.8
  • noise, electronic 6.1
  • North American PDU specifications,
  • ntp.conf file 12.6
  • NTP server requirement 3.1.2, 4.10
  • NTP servers 12.6
  • nuts 6.2.1




  • QSFP cables 1.4
  • QSFP ports, splitting 3.2.2
  • querying configuration 11.1.7


  • rack base name configuration 4.5
  • rack components 1.2
  • Rack Details page (configuration) 4.7
  • rack dimensions 2.2
  • rack layout illustration C.2, D.2, E.2
  • rack layouts
    • with KVM (Sun Fire servers) E.2
    • without KVM C.2, D.2
  • rack-networksetupscript 8.4.2
  • rack reimaging 10.11.2
  • racks
    • adding another 9.1
    • connecting power cords 6.4.2
    • inspecting 6.4.1
    • installing Oracle Big Data Appliance software 10.4
    • moving instructions 6.3.1
    • reimaging 10.14.3
    • reinstalling base image 10.11
  • rack weight 2.1
  • RAID arrays, repairing logical 13.9.2
  • RAID configuration 7.5
  • RAID logical drives 13.3.1
  • red cables C.1, D.1, E.1
  • reimagecluster utility 10.14.2
  • reimagerack utility 10.14.3
  • reimaging a rack 10.11.2
  • reimaging the servers 10.11
  • reinstalling the software 10.4.1
  • relative humidity 2.5, 2.6
  • remove-root-ssh script 11.1.28, 14.1.1
  • removing services 11.1.7
  • repair categories B.1
  • replacement parts B
  • replacing spine switch 12.4.1
  • reset-boot-order utility 11.1.29
  • resolv.conf configuration file 8.4.3
  • restarting Big Data SQL 11.1.7
  • restart validation 6.4.3
  • Review and Edit Details page (configuration) 4.11
  • Rolling upgrades 10.1.1
  • root user, passwordless SSH 14.1.1
  • route requirements 2.2.1
  • running-config output







  • X7–2, X6-2, and X5-2 rack cabling tables C