H.4 Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle Big Data Manager

Tasks in the Big Data Manager Data Explorer that you can perform using keyboard shortcuts.

Table H-1 Keyboard Shortcuts in the Big Data Manager Data Explorer

Task Keyboard Shortcut

Change the currently selected item

Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow

Open the selected directory/container


Navigate back to parent directory/container


Select the first item in list

Home or PageUp

Select the last item in list

End or PageDown

Switch between left and right panel in the Data Explorer


Deselect the currently selected item


Open the Rename dialog (supported only on HDFS)


Reload the content of the current panel (same as the Refresh button)

F5 or Ctrl+R

Invokes copy/move/paste actions



If are using an Apple keyboard, use the Command key instead of the Control (Ctrl) key.