Description of the illustration cloudmgr.png

This screen capture of the Cloudera Manager Services page, which is truncated on the right, shows the following elements, listed from top to bottom and left to right:

Cloudera Manager, Home (selected), Clusters, Hosts, Diagnostics, Audits, Charts, Backup, Administration, New Parcels icon, Running Commands icon

30 minutes preceding August 27 2014, 10:31 AM PDT

Menus: Status (selected), All Health Issues, All Configuration Issues, All Recent commands... Add Cluster button

Status pane on left:

bdac (CDH 5.0.0 Packages), drop-down menu

Each of the following services except Hosts has a drop-down menu to the right.

- Hosts

- bigdatasql

- hdfs

- hive

- hue

- oozie

- yarn

- zookeeper

Cloudera Management Service

mgmt with a drop-down menu to the right

Charts panel on right:


Cluster CPU: X-axis labeled 10:15 and 10:30, Y-axis labeled 50 and 100 percent, blue horizontal line at 0.

Cluster Disk IO: X-axis truncated, Y-axis labeled bytes/second at 488K/s, 977K/s, and 1.4M/s. Jagged blue line below 977K/s.

Cluster Network IO: X-axis labeled 10:00 and 10:15, Y-axis labeled bytes/second at 19.5K/s, 24.4K/s, and 29.3K/s. One light blue line jags around 19.5K/s with a spike up to 29.5K/s around 10:08. One dark blue line follows a similar path, slightly above the light blue line.

HDFS IO: X-axis truncated, Y-axis labeled bytes/second at 1b/s, 2b/s, and 3b/s. A blue line stays at 1b/s and a green line exceeds 3b/s.