7.4 Rename a Note

You can rename a note in the Notebook section of the Oracle Big Data Manager console.

7.4 Rename a Note Without Displaying the Note

To rename a note without displaying the note:
  1. If you’re not already in the Notebook section of the console, click the Notebook tab at the top of the page. If you’re already in the Notebook section, click the Home Home icon icon in the banner near the top of the page.
  2. In the list of notes on the home page, hover the mouse pointer over the note you want to rename, and then click the Rename noteRename note icon icon.
  3. In the Rename note dialog box, enter the new name for the note, and then click Rename. If you want to save the note to a different location, you can specify a path to a folder. If the folder doesn’t exist, Oracle Big Data Manager will create it.

    For example, to rename a note named my_note to my_note_001 and move it to a directory named project_notes, enter the following:


7.4 Renaming a Note That’s Currently Displayed

To rename a note that’s currently displayed:
  1. Click the name of the note under the banner at the top of the page, and edit as needed. If you want to save the note to a different location, you can specify a path to a folder, as described above.
  2. Click anywhere in the note or press the Enter key to accept the changes.