H Oracle Big Data Appliance Software Accessibilty Recommendations

H.1 Tips on Using Screen Readers and Braille Displays

The following are some suggestions on using text-to-speech output and braille displays.

  • Use a character mode based terminal such as Putty or Cygwin. Do not use an X-Windows-based VNC.

  • In the settings of the terminal software, set the cursor type to "block" cursor, not blinking or flashing.

  • The output of the certain commands can generate a significant amount of information and might spill off the terminal window, and the virtual window or braille display. In those, cases consider piping the output of a command through more in order to break the output into pages. You can then use the space bar key to page through the output.

  • A few recommended screen reader settings include the following (JAWS is used here just as an example):

    • Set the JAWS cursor to "All". Use the key combination of Insert + s until you hear "All".

    • You may need to turn off virtual cursor. If you are using JAWS, you can do this using the key combination of Insert + z.

    • Use the virtual window to capture text. If you are using JAWS, you can do this using the key combination of Insert + Alt + w.

H.2 Tips on Using Screen Magnifiers

Examples of screen magnifiers include ZoomText, MAGic, and SuperNova.

  • Screen magnifiers can support both character-based terminals and X-Window-based VNC.

  • If you are using the screen reader function of the screen magnifier (ZoomText screen reader), then you should use a character-based terminal as described above.

  • If you are using a VNC, decide your preference for a window display, for example, TWM or ICE. A display setting for ICE can be done with the following:

    vncserver -geometry 1600x950 :2

    1600x950 specifies the display size, and :2 specifies the VNC display number.

H.3 Accessibility for the Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility on Microsoft Windows

The Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility is Java-based application that gathers deployment information for Oracle Big Data Appliance installations. It does not ship with its own JRE but runs on what is available locally. If you run it under version 8 or greater of the JRE, the Java Access Bridge and assistive technology software such as JAWS, ZoomText, and others are available to you.

  1. Make sure the Java Access Bridge is enabled in Windows using the "Ease of Access" from the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Follow the instructions in Enabling and Testing Java Access Bridge in the Java SE documentation.

H.4 Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle Big Data Manager

Tasks in the Big Data Manager Data Explorer that you can perform using keyboard shortcuts.

Table H-1 Keyboard Shortcuts in the Big Data Manager Data Explorer

Task Keyboard Shortcut

Change the currently selected item

Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow

Open the selected directory/container


Navigate back to parent directory/container


Select the first item in list

Home or PageUp

Select the last item in list

End or PageDown

Switch between left and right panel in the Data Explorer


Deselect the currently selected item


Open the Rename dialog (supported only on HDFS)


Reload the content of the current panel (same as the Refresh button)

F5 or Ctrl+R

Invokes copy/move/paste actions



If are using an Apple keyboard, use the Command key instead of the Control (Ctrl) key.