
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • %*
    • put annotation 1
  • %annotations 1, 2, 3
  • %ora-java
    • binding annotation 1
  • %output annotation 1
  • %output encoding annotation 1
  • %output media-type annotation 1
  • %updating annotation 1


  • access privileges, Oracle Database 1
  • adapters
    • Avro 1
    • Oracle NoSQL Database 1
    • sequence file 1
    • text file 1
    • tika 1
    • XML file 1
  • aggregate functions for Hive 1
  • ALLOW_COMMENTS property 1
  • ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES property 1
  • ALTER SESSION commands 1
  • analytic functions in R 1
  • annotations
    • Avro collection 1
    • equal to Oracle Loader for Hadoop configuration properties 1
    • for writing to Oracle NoSQL Database 1
    • Oracle Database adapter 1
    • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
    • parsing tika files 1
    • reading from Oracle NoSQL Database 1
    • reading sequence files 1
    • reading text files 1
    • reading XML files 1
    • writing text files 1
  • Apache Hadoop distribution 1, 2
  • Apache licenses 1
  • avro
    • compress annotation 1
    • file annotation 1
    • put annotation 1
    • schema annotation 1
    • schema-file annotation 1
    • schema-kv annotation 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Avro
    • annotations for reading 1
    • annotations for writing 1
  • avro((colon))collection-avroxml function 1
  • avro((colon))get function 1
  • Avro array,
    • reading as XML 1
  • Avro file adapter 1
    • examples 1
    • reading Avro as XML 1
    • writing XML as Avro 1
  • Avro files
    • collection annotations 1
    • collection function 1
    • converting text to 1
    • functions for reading 1
    • output file name 1
    • put functions 1
    • querying records 1
    • reading 1
    • reading as XML 1
    • writing 1
  • Avro maps 1
  • Avro maps, reading as XML 1
  • Avro null values 1
  • Avro primitives
    • reading as XML 1
  • Avro reader schema 1, 3, 4
  • Avro records, reading as XML 1
  • Avro unions, reading as XML 1
  • avroxml method 1, 2


  • balancing loads in Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • batchSize property 1
  • bzip2 input files 1


  • character encoding 1, 2
  • character methods for Hive 1
  • client libraries 1
  • clients
    • configuring Hadoop 1
  • coersing data types in R 1
  • collection annotation
    • text files 1
    • tika files 1
  • collection annotations
    • Avro 1
  • collection function (XQuery)
    • description 1
  • collection functions
    • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
    • sequence files 1
    • text files 1
    • tika files 1
  • collection-tika function 1, 2
  • columnCount property (OSCH) 1
  • columnLength property (OSCH) 1
  • columnNames property (OSCH) 1
  • columnType property (OSCH) 1
  • compressed data files 1
  • compressed files 1
  • compression
    • data in database tables 1
    • sequence files 1
  • compression codec 1
  • CompressionCodec property (OSCH) 1
  • compression methods
    • Avro output files 1
  • configuration properties
    • for Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
    • JSON file adapter 1
    • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
    • Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • configuration settings
    • Hadoop client 1
    • Sqoop utility 1
  • configuring a Hadoop client 1
  • connecting to Oracle Database from R 1
  • consistency property 1
  • createBadFiles property 1
  • createLogFiles property 1
    • configuration properties 1
    • examples 1
    • syntax 1
  • CREATE TABLE privilege 1
  • CSV files 1, 2


  • database directories
    • for Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS 1
  • databaseName property, Hive (OSCH) 1
  • database patches 1, 2
  • database privileges 1
  • database system, configuring to run MapReduce jobs 1
  • database tables
    • writing using Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • dataCompressionCodec property (OSCH) 1
  • dataPathFilter property (OSCH) 1
  • dataPaths property (OSCH) 1
  • Data Pump files 1
    • XML template 1
  • data type mappings
    • between XQuery and Avro 1
    • between XQuery and Oracle Database 1
    • Oracle Database and XQuery 1
  • data type mappings, Hive (OSCH) 1
  • data types
    • Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • data type testing in R 1
  • dateMask property (OSCH) 1
  • defaultDirectory property (OSCH) 1
  • deflate compression 1
  • delimited text files
    • XML templates 1
  • DelimitedTextInputFormat class 1, 2
    • Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • delimiter
    • for splitting text files 1
  • Direct Connector for HDFS 1
  • directories 1
    • default HDFS for XQuery 1
    • Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS home 1
    • Sqoop home 1
  • Directory property (OSCH) 1
  • disable_directory_link_check access parameter 1
  • distributed cache
    • accessing from Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • downloading software 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • drivers
    • JDBC 1, 2
  • durability property 1


  • encoding characters 1, 2
  • ExternalTable command
    • syntax 1
  • external tables
    • about 1


  • fieldLength property (OSCH) 1
  • fieldTerminator property (OSCH) 1
  • file paths
    • locating in XQuery 1
  • FLWOR requirements 1
  • fn
    • nilled function 1, 2
  • frame methods for Hive 1
  • functions
    • for writing to Oracle NoSQL Database 1
    • Oracle NoSQL Database 1, 2, 3
    • parsing tika files 1, 2
    • reading and writing sequence files 1
    • reading and writing text files 1
    • reading Avro files 1
    • reading from Oracle NoSQL Database 1, 2
    • reading JSON files 1
    • reading sequence files 1
    • reading text files 1
    • reading XML files 1, 2
    • writing Avro files 1
    • writing sequence files 1
    • writing text files 1


  • get function
    • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
  • get-tika function 1
  • gzip input files 1


  • HADOOP_HOME environment variable 1
  • HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR environment variable 1
  • Hadoop client
    • configuring 1
    • installing 1
  • hdfs_stream Bash shell script 1
  • HDFS commands
    • issuing from R 1
  • HDFS data
    • copying in R 1
  • HDFS directories
    • creating in R 1
  • HDFS directory 1
  • HDFS files
    • loading data into an Oracle database 1
    • restrictions in Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop 1
  • hive.columnType property (OSCH) 1
  • hive.databaseName property (OSCH) 1
  • hive.partitionFilter property 1
  • hive.tableName property 1
  • Hive access from R 1
  • Hive access in R 1
  • Hive data type mappings (OSCH) 1
  • Hive data types, support for 1
  • Hive JAR files for Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • Hive tables
    • XML format 1
  • HiveToAvroInputFormat class 1, 2
  • Hortonworks Data Platform distribution 1
  • hosts property 1


  • initialFieldEncloser property 1
  • InputFormat class
    • Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • installation
    • Hadoop client 1
    • Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop 1
    • Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
    • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop 1
    • Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders Setup 1
    • Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS 1
    • Sqoop utility 1
  • installation instructions 1
  • Instant Client libraries 1


  • JDBC drivers 1, 2
  • json
    • get function 1
    • parse-as-xml function 1
  • JSON data formats
    • converting to XML 1
  • JSON file adapter
    • configuration properties 1
  • JSON files
    • reading 1
  • JSON module 1
    • examples 1


  • kv
    • collection annotation 1
    • collection-avroxml function 1
    • collection-binxml function 1
    • collection-text function 1
    • collection-xml function 1
    • get annotation 1
    • get-avroxml function 1
    • get-binxml function 1
    • get-text function 1
    • get-xml function 1
    • key annotation 1, 2
    • key-range function 1, 2
    • put annotation 1
    • put-binxml function 1
    • put-text function 1
    • put-xml function 1
  • KVAvroInputFormat class 1
  • kv-lob
    • get-binxml 1
    • get-text 1
    • get-tika 1
    • get-xml 1
    • put-binxml 1
    • put-text 1
    • put-xml 1
  • kvstore property 1
  • kv-table
    • collection-jsontext 1


  • load balancing
    • in Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • LOBSuffixproperty 1
  • LOBTimeout property 1
  • locationFileCount property 1
  • property 1
  • logDirectory property 1
  • logical methods for Hive 1


  • mapping
    • JSON to XML 1
  • mappings
    • Oracle Database and XQuery data types 1
  • mappings, Hive to Oracle Database (OSCH) 1
  • MapReduce functions
    • writing in R 1
  • MasterPolicy durability 1
  • matrix methods for Hive 1


  • nilled elements 1
  • nilled function 1
  • null values in Avro 1
  • numeric methods for Hive 1


  • OCI Direct Path 1
  • OHSH 1
  • operating system user permissions 1
  • oracle
    • columns annotation 1
    • put annotation 1
  • ORACLE_DATAPUMP driver 1
  • ORACLE_LOADER driver 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.colMap.column_name.nullIfSpecifier property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.createBadFiles property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.createLogFiles property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.hive.tableName property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.initialFieldEncloser property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.locationFileCount property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.logDirectory property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.nullIfSpecifier property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.preprocessorDirectory property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.preprocessorScript 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.recordDelimiter property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.sourceType property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.stringSizes property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.exttab.tableName property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.* properties 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.json.parser.* 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.kv.config.durability property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.kv.config.requestLimit property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.kv.config.requestTimeout property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.kv.config.socketOpenTimeout property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.kv.config.socketReadTimeout property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.kv property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.lib.share property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.tika.html.asis property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.xquery.tika.locale property 1
  • oracle.kv.batchSize property 1
  • oracle.kv.consistency property 1
  • oracle.kv.hosts configuration property 1
  • oracle.kv.hosts property 1
  • oracle.kv.kvstore configuration property 1
  • oracle.kv.kvstore property 1
  • oracle.kv.timeout property 1
  • Oracle Database
    • annotations for writing 1
    • connecting from R 1
    • put function 1
    • user privileges 1
  • Oracle Database access from ORCH 1
  • Oracle Database adapter 1
    • configuration properties 1
    • examples 1
  • Oracle Database Adapter
    • using Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop
    • installing 1
  • Oracle Direct Connector for HDFS 1
  • Oracle Exadata Database Machine
    • installing a Hadoop client 1
  • Oracle Instant Client libraries 1
  • Oracle Loader for Hadoop
    • description 1
    • input formats 1
    • installing 1
    • supported database versions 1
  • Oracle NoSQL Database
    • annotations for writing 1
  • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
    • annotations for reading 1
    • collection function 1
    • get function 1
    • reading Avro as XML 1
    • writing XML as Avro 1
  • Oracle NoSQL Database Adapter
    • configuration properties 1
    • examples 1
  • Oracle NoSQL Database functions 1, 2, 3
  • Oracle OCI Direct Path 1
  • Oracle permissions 1
  • oracle-property annotation 1
  • Oracle RAC systems, installing a Hadoop client 1
  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop
    • categorical list of functions 1
    • connecting to Oracle Database 1
    • copying HDFS data 1
    • debugging functions 1
    • description 1, 2
    • HDFS commands issued from 1
    • installation 1
    • MapReduce functions 1
  • Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders Setup
    • installing 1
  • Oracle Software Delivery Cloud 1
  • Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS
    • description 1
    • installation 1
    • pattern-matching characters 1
    • query optimization 1
  • Oracle Technology Network
    • downloads 1, 2
  • Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
    • accessing the distributed cache 1
    • accessing user-defined XQuery library modules and XML schemas 1
    • basic transformation examples 1
    • calling custom Java external functions 1
    • configuration properties 1
    • configuring Oracle NoSQL Database server 1
    • description 1
    • error logging levels 1
    • error recovery setting 1
    • hadoop command 1
    • JSON module 1
    • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
    • output directory 1
    • running queries 1
    • running queries locally 1
    • sequence file adapter 1
    • temp directory 1
    • text file adapter 1
    • tika adapter 1
    • time zone 1
    • XML file adapter 1
  • Oracle XQuery for Hadoop adapters
    • overview 1
  • Oracle XQuery for Hadoop modules
    • overview 1
  • orahdfs-version/bin directory 1
  • file 1
  • ora-java
    • binding annotation 1
  • OraLoader 1
  • oraloader-<version>.zip file 1
  • 1
  • file 1, 2
  • oraloader-version directory 1, 2
  • orch.tgz package 1
  • ORCH package
    • installation 1, 2
  • ore.create function 1
  • ore.exec function 1
  • ore.warn.order option 1
  • ORE functions for Hive 1
  • OSCH_BIN_PATH directory 1
  • output
    • encoding annotation 1, 2, 3, 4
    • parameter annotation 1
  • output annotation 1
  • output directory for Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • oxh
    • find function 1
    • increment-counter function 1
    • println function 1
    • println-xml function 1
    • property function 1
  • oxh-charset property 1
  • oxh-column property 1
  • oxh-default-namespace property 1
  • oxh-elements property 1
  • property 1
  • oxh-namespace.prefix property 1
  • OXMLSerDe 1


  • parallel processing 1, 2
  • parsing options for JSON files 1
  • parsing tika files 1
  • partitioning 1
  • PathFilter property (OSCH) 1
  • Paths property (OSCH) 1
  • pattern matching 1
  • pattern matching (OSCH) 1
  • pattern-matching characters in Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS 1
  • preprocessor access parameter 1
  • preprocessorDirectory property 1
  • privileges, Oracle Database 1
  • put function (XQuery)
    • description 1
  • put functions
    • Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1
    • sequence files 1
    • text files 1


  • queries
    • running in Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
    • running locally in Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • query optimization for Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS 1


  • random order messages 1
  • R data types, converting and testing 1
  • R distribution 1, 2
  • R Distribution 1, 2, 3
  • reading Avro files 1
  • reading sequence files 1
  • reading text files 1
  • readZones property 1
  • recordDelimiter property 1
  • records, rejected 1
  • rejected records 1
  • ReplicaAck policy 1
  • ReplicaPolicy durability 1
  • requestLimit property 1
  • requestTimeout property 1
  • R functions
    • categorical listing 1
  • R functions for Hive 1


  • sampling data
    • from Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1
  • scripts
    • debugging in R 1
  • security property 1
  • seq
    • collection annotation 1
    • collection-binxml function 1
    • collection function 1
    • collection-xml function 1
    • compress annotation 1
    • file annotation 1
    • key annotation 1
    • put annotation 1
    • put-binxml function 1
    • put functions 1
    • put-xml function 1
    • split-max annotation 1
    • split-min annotation 1
  • sequence file adapter 1
    • annotations for writing 1
    • collection function 1
    • examples 1
  • sequence file adapter functions 1
  • sequence files
    • compression 1
    • output file name 1
    • reading 1
    • split size 1
    • writing 1
  • serialization parameter 1, 2
  • serialization parameters 1
  • skiperrors.counters property 1
  • skiperrors.log.max property 1
  • skiperrors.max property 1
  • skiperrors property for Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • snappy compression 1
  • socketOpenTimeout property 1
  • socketReadTimeout property 1
  • software downloads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • sourceType property 1
  • split size
    • for Avro files 1
    • sequence files 1
    • text files 1
  • split sizes 1
  • splitting XML files 1
  • SQL*Loader 1
  • Sqoop 1
  • Sqoop utility
    • installing on a Hadoop client 1
    • installing on a Hadoop cluster 1
  • stringSizes property 1
  • subrange specification, Oracle NoSQL Database adapter 1


  • tables
    • compression in database 1
    • copying data from HDFS 1
    • writing to Oracle Database 1
  • temp directory, setting for Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • text
    • collection annotation 1
    • collection function 1
    • collection-xml function 1
    • compress annotations 1
    • file annotation 1
    • put annotation 1
    • put function 1
    • put-xml function 1
    • split annotation 1
    • split-max annotation 1
    • trace function 1
  • text file adapter 1
    • collection function 1
    • put function 1
  • text files
    • converting to Avro 1
    • delimiter 1
    • reading 1
    • reading and writing 1
    • split size 1
    • writing 1
  • tika
    • %output encoding annotation 1
    • %output media-type annotation 1
    • collection annotation 1
    • collection function 1
    • helper function 1
    • parse function 1
    • parse textual data 1
  • tika adapter 1
  • tika file adapter
    • collection function 1
    • parsing 1
  • tika files
    • parsing 1
  • timeout property 1
  • timestampMask property (OSCH) 1
  • timestampTZMask property (OSCH) 1
  • timezone property for Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1
  • time zones in XQuery 1
  • type mappings
    • between XQuery and Avro 1
    • between XQuery and Oracle Database 1


  • uncompressed files 1
  • updating functions 1
  • UTF-8 encoding 1, 2
  • UTL_FILE package 1


  • vector methods for Hive 1


  • wildcards 1
  • writing Avro files 1
  • writing sequence files 1
  • writing text files 1
  • writing to Oracle tables 1


  • XML
    • writing as Avro arrays 1
    • writing as Avro maps 1
    • writing as Avro primitives 1
    • writing as Avro records 1
    • writing as Avro unions 1
  • XML_EXISTS function 1
  • XML_QUERY_AS_primitive function 1
  • XML_QUERY function 1
  • XML_TABLE function 1
  • xmlf
    • collection annotation 1
    • collection functions 1
    • split annotation 1
    • split-entity annotation 1
    • split-max annotation 1
    • split-min annotation 1, 2
    • split-namespace annotation 1
  • XML file adapter 1
    • examples 1
  • XML files
    • reading 1, 2
    • restrictions on splitting 1
  • XML schemas
    • accessing user-defined 1
  • XML template for Data Pump files 1
  • XML templates
    • Data Pump files 1
    • delimited text files 1
    • Hive tables 1
  • XQuery 1
  • xquery.output property 1
  • xquery.scratch property 1
  • xquery.skiperrors.counters property 1
  • xquery.skiperrors.log.max property 1
  • xquery.skiperrors.max property 1
  • xquery.skiperrors property 1
  • xquery.timezone property 1
  • XQuery library modules
    • accessing user-defined 1
  • XQuery specification support 1
  • XQuery transformations
    • requirements 1
  • xsi
    • nil attribute 1