C Oracle Big Data SQL Installation Examples

The following are samples of the console output for the Oracle Big Data SQL installation.

  • Example 1 shows the output of an installation on Oracle Big Data Appliance.

  • Example 2 shows the parallel installation on Hortonworks HDP.

The database side of the installation is the same for Exadata Database Machine and all commodity Oracle Database platforms.

The database side of these scripts shows the installation on a system running Oracle Database 12.1. The output is the same for an installation on an Oracle Database 12.2 system, except for minor path changes.

Example 1: Installation on Oracle Big Data Appliance

This example shows the Hadoop-side installation where the Hadoop system is Oracle Big Data Appliance. These are the factors to note in this scenario:


Notice that we are using scl to ensure that the correct version of Python is invoked.
[root@clust0601bda14vm03 BDSjaguar-]# scl enable python27 "./jaguar install"
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Mon Nov 13 13:47:13 2017.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /root/BDSjaguar-
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com.
BigDataSQL: Verifying configuration parameters...
BigDataSQL: Starting server...
BigDataSQL: API protocol: http.
BigDataSQL: API port: 7180.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Cloudera Manager user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 17.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type: BDA.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name: clust0601bda14vm.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: CDH5.
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration..
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Copying CSD to Cloudera Manager..
BigDataSQL: Restarting management server...
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: Restarting Cloudera Management service..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Deployment server listening
BigDataSQL: Analyzing cluster ....
BigDataSQL: Checking for Big Data SQL requirements..
BigDataSQL: Preparing installation..
BigDataSQL: Installing Big Data SQL agents..
BigDataSQL: No http_proxy variable defined.
BigDataSQL: No https_proxy variable defined.
BigDataSQL: Installing Big Data SQL servers..
BigDataSQL: Starting bigdatasql service..
BigDataSQL: Restarting stale services..
BigDataSQL: Restarting Cloudera Management service..
BigDataSQL: Big Data SQL task completed..
BigDataSQL: Creating database side bundle..
BigDataSQL: Creating bundle file.
BigDataSQL: Bundle file created: /root/BDSjaguar-
BigDataSQL: WARNING: Database authentication is enabled, you will need a reqkey file for set it up..
BigDataSQL:          Ignore this warning if you already have one or if your database already has its key,
BigDataSQL:          otherwise, use './jaguar --requestdb <db name> databasereq' to create one.
BigDataSQL: INSTALL workflow completed.

Requesting a .reqkey file for database "mashadb." Database Authentication is enabled but the key was not requested in the install operation.

[root@clust0601bda14vm03 BDSjaguar-]# scl enable python27 "./jaguar --requestdb mashadb databasereq"
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Mon Nov 13 14:07:21 2017.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /root/BDSjaguar-
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com.
BigDataSQL: Verifying configuration parameters...
BigDataSQL: Starting server...
BigDataSQL: API protocol: http.
BigDataSQL: API port: 7180.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Cloudera Manager user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 17.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type: BDA.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name: clust0601bda14vm.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: CDH5.
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration..
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Deployment server listening
BigDataSQL: Requiring database keys only..
BigDataSQL: reqkey file created: /root/BDSjaguar-
BigDataSQL: DATABASEREQ workflow completed.

Copy the database-side installation bundle and the request key file to the database node.

[root@clust0601bda14vm03 BDSjaguar-]# scp /root/BDSjaguar- masha@clust0601bda14vm04:/home/masha
masha@clust0601bda14vm04's password:
mashadb.reqkey                                                                                  100%  252     0.3KB/s   00:00
[root@clust0601bda14vm03 BDSjaguar-]# scp /root/BDSjaguar- masha@clust0601bda14vm04:/home/masha
masha@clust0601bda14vm04's password:
bds-                                                    100% 1020MB  51.0MB/s   00:20

Unzip the bundle, execute the run file, and copy the request key file into the install directory created by the run file.

[masha@clust0601bda14vm04 ~]$ unzip bds-
Archive:  bds-
  inflating: bds-
[masha@clust0601bda14vm04 ~]$ ./bds-
bds- platform is               : Linux
bds- script started at         : Mon Nov 13 14:19:56 CST 2017
bds- running location          : /home/masha
bds- ORACLE_SID                : mashadb
bds- ORACLE_HOME               : /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb
bds- install directory         : /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/BDSJaguar-
bds- extracting...
bds- installer extracted successfully


bds- for setup Big Data SQL on this database instance
[masha@clust0601bda14vm04 ~]$ mv mashadb.reqkey $ORACLE_HOME/BDSJaguar-

Change to the install directory and run the install operation of bds-database-install.sh.

[masha@clust0601bda14vm04 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/BDSJaguar-
[masha@clust0601bda14vm04 clust0601bda14vm-3-clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com]$ ./bds-database-install.sh --install
bds-database-install: platform is               : Linux
bds-database-install: script started at         : Mon Nov 13 14:20:59 CST 2017
bds-database-install: running location          : /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/BDSJaguar-
bds-database-install: ORACLE_SID                : mashadb
bds-database-install: ORACLE_HOME               : /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb
bds-database-install: configuration spfile      : spfilemashadb.ora
bds-database-install: Grid home                 : not detected
bds-database-install: db resource               : mashadb
bds-database-install: mta extproc sid           : bds_mashadb_clust0601bda14vm
bds-database-install: use of crsctl             : false
bds-database-install: root shell script /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/install/bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh
please run as root:

<enter> to continue checking.. 
q<enter> to quit

bds-database-install: root script seem to have succeeded, continuing...
bds-database-install: cluster type              : bda
bds-database-install: connection type           : Ethernet
bds-database-install: cluster name              : clust0601bda14vm
bds-database-install: dictionary cluster name   : clust0601bda14vm
bds-database-install: Hadoop version            : hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.12.1
bds-database-install: Hive version              : hive-1.1.0-cdh5.12.1
bds-database-install: HBase version             : hbase-1.2.0-cdh5.12.1
bds-database-install: BDSQL version             :
bds-database-install: BDSQL install date        : Mon Nov 13 13:59:09 2017
bds-database-install: bd_cell version           : bd_cell-
bds-database-install: cp2hadoop kit version     : orahivedp-
bds-database-install: ohsh kit version          : ohsh-1.3.1
bds-database-install: cell config dir           : /etc/oracle/cell/network-config
bds-database-install: hybrid cell model         : false
bds-database-install: cell network(s)           :
bds-database-install: allow multiple subnets    : _skgxp_ant_options=1
bds-database-install: use UDP protocol          : _skgxp_dynamic_protocol=2
bds-database-install: cellaffinity.ora file     : missing
bds-database-install: listener end point        : EXTPROC1521
bds-database-install: installing JDK            : jdk1.8.0_151
bds-database-install: action                    : setup
bds-database-setup: validating against network interfaces
bds-database-setup: trying to ping cluster nodes from
bds-database-setup: response fail from
bds-database-setup: response fail from
bds-database-setup: response fail from
bds-database-setup: trying to ping cluster nodes from
bds-database-setup: response ok from
bds-database-setup: response ok from
bds-database-setup: response ok from
bds-database-setup: ping succeeded on all nodes, using at eth1 instead
bds-database-setup: installing cluster configuration files
bds-database-setup: unpacking hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.12.1.tar.gz
bds-database-setup: unpacking hadoop-2.6.0-nativelib-ol6.tar.gz
bds-database-setup: unpacking hive-1.1.0-cdh5.12.1.tar.gz
bds-database-setup: unpacking hbase-1.2.0-cdh5.12.1.tar.gz
bds-database-setup: creating database objects
bds-database-setup: mta will be setup
bds-database-setup: creating /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/hs/admin/initbds_mashadb_clust0601bda14vm.ora
bds-database-setup: mta shutdown bds_mashadb_clust0601bda14vm
bds-database-setup: removing existing mta parameter settings
bds-database-setup: setting performance parameters for mta
bds-database-setup: setting listener_address to EXTPROC1521
bds-database-setup: starting extproc bds_mashadb_clust0601bda14vm
bds-database-setup: waiting upto 100 seconds for extproc to register with listener
bds-database-setup: patching view LOADER_DIR_OBJS
bds-database-setup: creating mta dblinks
bds-database-setup: installing cp2hadoop
bds-database-setup: installing ohsh
bds-database-setup: reconfiguring database instance mashadb
bds-database-setup: adding parameter _bigdata_external_table=true
bds-database-setup: setup cell contiguration
bds-database-setup: cellinit.ora already has the configured ip address
bds-database-setup: cellinit.ora already enabled with UDP protocol
bds-database-setup: celliniteth.ora already has the configured ip address
bds-database-setup: celliniteth.ora already enabled with UDP protocol
bds-database-setup: cellaffinity.ora already disabled
bds-database-setup: no database restart needed

bds-database-setup: activation zip file created: clust0601bda14vm-3-clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com-clust0601bda14vm04.vm.oracle.com.zip

# /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/BDSJaguar-

bds-database-setup: copy this file to root@clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
bds-database-setup: and run:

./jaguar databaseack

bds-database-setup: configuration successful for cluster clust0601bda14vm

bds-database-setup: log files in /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/install
bds-database-setup: bds-database-install-10657-* files for more detailed info
bds-database-setup: full log in bds-database-install-10657-main-script.log

This is the output from the root script execution:

[root@clust0601bda14vm04 ~]# /u03/app/masha/12.1.0/dbhome_mashadb/install/bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for clust0601bda14vm01.vm.oracle.com from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for clust0601bda14vm02.vm.oracle.com from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for clust0601bda14vm03 from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for clust0601bda14vm01 from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: removing existing entries for clust0601bda14vm02 from /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: added entry  clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com  clust0601bda14vm03 to /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: added entry  clust0601bda14vm01.vm.oracle.com  clust0601bda14vm01 to /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: added entry  clust0601bda14vm02.vm.oracle.com  clust0601bda14vm02 to /etc/hosts
bds-database-install-10657-root-script-clust0601bda14vm.sh: clust0601bda14vm: root script finished successfully

Copy the zip file generated by bds-database-install.sh back to the Hadoop cluster management server. This zip file contains the .ackkey file needed to complete the Database Authentication setup.

[masha@clust0601bda14vm04 clust0601bda14vm-3-clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com]$ scp clust0601bda14vm-3-clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com-clust0601bda14vm04.vm.oracle.com.zip root@clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
root@clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com's password:
clust0601bda14vm-3-clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com-clust0601bda14vm04.vm.oracle.com.zip           100%  789     0.8KB/s   00:00

As root on the Hadoop cluster management server, run Jaguar’s Database Acknowledge operation. This completes the installation.

BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Mon Nov 13 14:26:37 2017.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /root/BDSJaguar.
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: clust0601bda14vm03.vm.oracle.com.
BigDataSQL: Verifying configuration parameters...
BigDataSQL: Starting server...
BigDataSQL: API protocol: http.
BigDataSQL: API port: 7180.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Cloudera Manager user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 17.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type: BDA.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name: clust0601bda14vm.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: CDH5.
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration..
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Database acknowledge..
BigDataSQL: Deployment server listening
BigDataSQL: Refreshing Big Data SQL database connections..
BigDataSQL: Starting bigdatasql service..
BigDataSQL: Setting database key for Big Data SQL..
BigDataSQL: Restarting stale services..
BigDataSQL: Restarting Cloudera Management service..

Big Data SQL setup finished !!!
run bdschecksw tool on database node for sanity verification

BigDataSQL: DATABASEACK workflow completed.

Example 2: Installation on an HDP Cluster

In this example, the Hadoop-side installation is on an HDP system. To show what happens when Database Authentication is enabled but no request key is generated, we deliberately leave the –-requestdb parameter out of the install operation. This is corrected later in the example.

[root@clust42bda07-adm BDSJaguar]# ./jaguar install
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Mon Nov 13 12:41:05 2017.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /root/BDSJaguar.
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com.
BigDataSQL: Verifying configuration parameters...
BigDataSQL: Starting server...
BigDataSQL: API protocol: http.
BigDataSQL: API port: 8080.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Ambari user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 1.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type: HDP.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name: afghhdp.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: HDP-2.6.
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration...
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Copying Stack to Ambari..
BigDataSQL: Restarting management server...
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Deployment server listening
BigDataSQL: Analyzing cluster ....
BigDataSQL: Checking for Big Data SQL requirements..
BigDataSQL: Preparing installation..
BigDataSQL: Installing Big Data SQL agents..
BigDataSQL: Installing Big Data SQL servers..
BigDataSQL: Starting bigdatasql service.
BigDataSQL: Restarting stale services..
BigDataSQL: Starting hdfs service.
BigDataSQL: Starting yarn service.
BigDataSQL: Starting mapreduce2 service.
BigDataSQL: Starting hbase service.
BigDataSQL: Big Data SQL task completed..
BigDataSQL: Creating database side bundle..
BigDataSQL: Creating bundle file.
BigDataSQL: Bundle file created: /root/BDSJaguar/db-bundles/bds-
BigDataSQL: WARNING: Database authentication is enabled, you will need a reqkey file for set it up..
BigDataSQL:          Ignore this warning if you already have one or if your database already has its key,.
BigDataSQL:          otherwise, use './jaguar --requestdb <db name> databasereq' for create one..
BigDataSQL: INSTALL workflow completed.

Database Authentication was enabled but a key was not requested in the install operation and has not been request previously for the"laicadb” database where we want to perform the installation. To correct this, we invoke the Jaguar databasereq operation to create a request key for "laicadb":

[root@clust42bda07-adm BDSJaguar]# ./jaguar --requestdb laicadb databasereq
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Mon Nov 13 12:56:39 2017.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /root/BDSJaguar.
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com.
BigDataSQL: Verifying configuration parameters...
BigDataSQL: Starting server...
BigDataSQL: API protocol: http.
BigDataSQL: API port: 8080.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Ambari user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 1.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type: HDP.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name: afghhdp.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: HDP-2.6.
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration...
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Deployment server listening
BigDataSQL: Requiring database keys only..
BigDataSQL: reqkey file created: /root/BDSJaguar/dbkeys/laicadb.reqkey.
BigDataSQL: DATABASEREQ workflow completed.

Now that we have a database-side installation bundle and a .reqkey file, we copy both to the database node.

[root@clust42bda07-adm BDSJaguar]# scp /root/BDSJaguar/db-bundles/bds- laica@clust42bda05-adm:/home/laica
laica@clust42bda05-adm's password:
bds-                                                            100%  604MB 112.0MB/s   00:05
[root@clust42bda07-adm BDSJaguar]# scp /root/BDSJaguar/dbkeys/laicadb.reqkey laica@clust42bda05-adm:/home/laica                     laica@clust42bda05-adm's password:
laicadb.reqkey                                                                                  100%  253   453.7KB/s   00:00

Next, unzip the bundle, execute run file, and copy the request key to the install directory created by the run file.

[laica@clust42bda05-adm ~]$ unzip bds-
Archive:  bds-
  inflating: bds-
[laica@clust42bda05-adm ~]$ ./bds-
bds- platform is               : Linux
bds- script started at         : Mon Nov 13 15:03:19 CST 2017
bds- running location          : /home/laica
bds- ORACLE_SID                : laicadb
bds- ORACLE_HOME               : /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb
bds- install directory         : /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb/BDSJaguar-
bds- extracting...
bds- installer extracted successfully


bds- for setup Big Data SQL on this database instance
[laica@clust42bda05-adm ~]$ mv laicadb.reqkey $ORACLE_HOME/BDSJaguar-

Change to the install directory and run the database-side install utility (bds-database-install.sh).

[laica@clust42bda05-adm ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/BDSJaguar-
[laica@clust42bda05-adm afghhdp-2-clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com]$ ./bds-database-install.sh --install
bds-database-install: platform is               : Linux
bds-database-install: script started at         : Mon Nov 13 15:04:54 CST 2017
bds-database-install: running location          : /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb/BDSJaguar-
bds-database-install: ORACLE_SID                : laicadb
bds-database-install: ORACLE_HOME               : /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb
bds-database-install: configuration spfile      : spfilelaicadb.ora
bds-database-install: Grid home                 : /u03/app/12.1.0/grid
bds-database-install: db resource               : laicadb
bds-database-install: crs resource              : ora.laicadb.db
bds-database-install: database type             : SINGLE
bds-database-install: cardinality               : 1
bds-database-install: mta extproc sid           : bds_laicadb_afghhdp
bds-database-install: use of crsctl             : true
bds-database-install: cluster type              : hdp
bds-database-install: connection type           : Ethernet
bds-database-install: cluster name              : afghhdp
bds-database-install: dictionary cluster name   : afghhdp
bds-database-install: Hadoop version            : hadoop-
bds-database-install: Hive version              : apache-hive-1.2.1000.
bds-database-install: HBase version             : hbase-
bds-database-install: BDSQL version             :
bds-database-install: BDSQL install date        : Mon Nov 13 12:53:29 2017
bds-database-install: bd_cell version           : bd_cell-
bds-database-install: cp2hadoop kit version     : orahivedp-
bds-database-install: ohsh kit version          : ohsh-1.3.1
bds-database-install: cell config dir           : /etc/oracle/cell/network-config
bds-database-install: hybrid cell model         : false
bds-database-install: cell network(s)           :
bds-database-install: allow multiple subnets    : _skgxp_ant_options=1
bds-database-install: use UDP protocol          : _skgxp_dynamic_protocol=2
bds-database-install: cellaffinity.ora file     : missing
bds-database-install: listener end point        : EXTPROC1521
bds-database-install: installing JDK            : jdk1.8.0_151
bds-database-install: action                    : setup
bds-database-setup: only one network interface detected, at eth0
bds-database-setup: ping to cluster nodes
bds-database-setup: response ok from
bds-database-setup: response ok from
bds-database-setup: installing cluster configuration files
bds-database-setup: unpacking hadoop-
bds-database-setup: unpacking hadoop-2.7.0-nativelib-ol6.tar.gz
bds-database-setup: unpacking apache-hive-1.2.1000.
bds-database-setup: unpacking hbase-
bds-database-setup: creating database objects
bds-database-setup: mta will be setup
bds-database-setup: creating /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb/hs/admin/initbds_laicadb_afghhdp.ora
bds-database-setup: mta shutdown bds_laicadb_afghhdp
bds-database-setup: removing existing mta parameter settings
bds-database-setup: stopping crs resource bds_laicadb_afghhdp
bds-database-setup: deleting crs resource bds_laicadb_afghhdp
bds-database-setup: registering crs resource bds_laicadb_afghhdp
bds-database-setup: using dependency db resource of laicadb
bds-database-setup: starting crs resource bds_laicadb_afghhdp
bds-database-setup: patching view LOADER_DIR_OBJS
bds-database-setup: creating mta dblinks
bds-database-setup: installing cp2hadoop
bds-database-setup: installing ohsh
bds-database-setup: setup cell contiguration
bds-database-setup: cellinit.ora already has the configured ip address
bds-database-setup: cellinit.ora already enabled with UDP protocol
bds-database-setup: celliniteth.ora already has the configured ip address
bds-database-setup: celliniteth.ora already enabled with UDP protocol
bds-database-setup: cellaffinity.ora already disabled
bds-database-setup: no database restart needed

bds-database-setup: activation zip file created: afghhdp-2-clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com-clust42bda05-adm.us.oracle.com.zip

# /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb/BDSJaguar-

bds-database-setup: copy this file to root@clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
bds-database-setup: and run:

./jaguar databaseack

bds-database-setup: configuration successful for cluster afghhdp

bds-database-setup: log files in /u03/app/laica/12.1.0/dbhome_laicadb/install
bds-database-setup: bds-database-install-29088-* files for more detailed info
bds-database-setup: full log in bds-database-install-29088-main-script.log

The zip file created by the install operation contains the .ackkey file needed to complete Database Authentication setup. Copy this zip file back to the Hadoop cluster management server.

[laica@clust42bda05-adm afghhdp-2-clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com]$ scp afghhdp-2-clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com-clust42bda05-adm.us.oracle.com.zip root@clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
root@clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com's password:
afghhdp-2-clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com-clust42bda05-adm.us.oracle.com.zip                       100%  739     0.7KB/s   00:00

As root on the Hadoop side run Jaguar’s Database Acknowledge operation.

[root@clust42bda07-adm BDSJaguar]# ./jaguar databaseack
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Mon Nov 13 13:08:43 2017.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /root/BDSJaguar.
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: clust42bda07-adm.us.oracle.com.
BigDataSQL: Verifying configuration parameters...
BigDataSQL: Starting server...
BigDataSQL: API protocol: http.
BigDataSQL: API port: 8080.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Ambari user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 1.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type: HDP.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name: afghhdp.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: HDP-2.6.
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration...
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Database acknowledge..
BigDataSQL: Deployment server listening
BigDataSQL: Refreshing Big Data SQL database connections..
BigDataSQL: Starting bigdatasql service.
BigDataSQL: Setting database key for Big Data SQL..
BigDataSQL: Restarting stale services..
BigDataSQL: Starting hdfs service.
BigDataSQL: Starting yarn service.
BigDataSQL: Starting mapreduce2 service.
BigDataSQL: Starting hbase service.

Big Data SQL setup finished !!!
run bdschecksw tool on database node for sanity verification

BigDataSQL: DATABASEACK workflow completed.