C Oracle Big Data SQL Installation Example

The following shows the console output for a typical Oracle Big Data SQL 4.1.1 installation.

This example shows the full circle of the installation workflow, from Hadoop on the Big Data Appliance, to the Oracle Database system, and then back to Hadoop. The Hadoop-side of the installation is similar on an HDP system. There is no difference for the database side where the connection is to an HDP system.

The database-side installation in this example is on a system running Oracle Database 12.2. But note this output indicates support was enabled in the bds-config.json file for 19c, 18c, and 12.2, excluding 12.1.

BigDataSQL: DB version support: 19,18,12.2.

The output is the same for an installation on Oracle Database 19c, 18c and 12.2 systems, except for minor path changes. The database side of the installation is the same for Exadata Database Machine and all commodity Oracle Database platforms.

Installation on Oracle Big Data Appliance

Here are things to note about the example:

  • The Big Data Appliance in this case is running the Oracle Big Data Appliance release 4.10. Output may differ slightly on other releases.
  • We do not use scl on this system because on Oracle Big Data Appliance systems running Oracle Linux 6 or 7, Jaguar will automatically use scl if needed.
  • The --requestdb parameter takes the name of the database where you will install the other side of Oracle Big Data SQL will be installed after completing the Hadoop-side installation. The database name in this case is cdborcl. When this parameter is included in the command, Jaguar will a generate a "request key" along with the database-side installation bundle. This key is part of the process that authorizes access to the database. See Important Terms and Concepts for more information about --requestdb and about the database authorization process.
  • The output file names are branded with the cluster name, the fully-qualified domain name of the node where the files are generated, and a time stamp.
  • The line BigDataSQL: Object Store support: Enabled indicates that the bds-config.json configuration file was set up to enable Oracle Big Data SQL access to Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, or Oracle OCI.
  • Placeholders in brackets are used to fill in hostnames and IP addresses in this example
  • You can run these commands as the oracle user. However, you will be prompted for the root password in order to do the secure copy of files over to the database server.

The bds-config.json file for this example is as follows:

    "cluster": {
        "database_compatibility" : [ "19" ]
    "network" : {
        "use_infiniband"   : "false"
    "security" : {
        "database_auth_enabled"   : "true",
        "impersonation_enabled"   : "true",
        "impersonation_usehosts"  : "true"
    "kerberos" : {
        "principal" : "oracle/mycluster@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM",
        "keytab" : "/root/oracle.keytab",
        "hdfs-principal" : "hdfs/mycluster@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM",
        "hdfs-keytab" : "/root/hdfs.keytab"

    "object_store_support" : {
        "enabled"             : "true",
        "cell_http_proxy"     : "http://my.proxy.server.com:80",
        "cell_no_proxy"       : "",
        "database_http_proxy" : "http://proxy2.server.com:80",
        "database_no_proxy"   : ""

Start by running jaguar install on the Hadoop side:

[root@scaj41bda10 BDSJaguar]# ./jaguar --requestdb cdborcl install
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL 4.1.1.
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Wed Oct 14 13:36:00 2020.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /opt/oracle/BDSJaguar.
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: <Hadoop node>.<domain>.
BigDataSQL:            IP address: <Hadoop node IP Address>.
BigDataSQL:    DB version support: 19,18,12.2.
BigDataSQL:  Object Store support: Enabled.
BigDataSQL: API url: https://<Hadoop node>.<domain>:7183.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: Configuration json file name: bds-config.json.
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Cloudera Manager user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 33.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name   : <Hadoop cluster>.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type   : BDA.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: CDH6.
BigDataSQL:    full version: 6.3.3.
BigDataSQL: BDA version    : 5.2.0-1.
BigDataSQL: WARNING: CDH6 clients will be installed on database side through yum, Internet access is required there.
BigDataSQL: Cluster health check..
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration..
BigDataSQL: WARNING: Cluster does not have Internet access, Hadoop clients could not be downloaded.
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Copying CSD to Cloudera Manager..
BigDataSQL: Restarting management server...
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cloudera-scm-server.service
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: Restarting Cloudera Management service..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Analyzing cluster ....
BigDataSQL: Checking for Big Data SQL requirements..
BigDataSQL: Preparing installation..
BigDataSQL: Installing Big Data SQL agents..
BigDataSQL: No http_proxy variable defined.
BigDataSQL: Installing Big Data SQL servers..
BigDataSQL: Starting bigdatasql service..
BigDataSQL: reqkey file created: /opt/oracle/BDSJaguar/dbkeys/cdborcl.reqkey.
BigDataSQL: Restarting stale services..
BigDataSQL: Restarting Cloudera Management service..
BigDataSQL: Big Data SQL task completed..
BigDataSQL: Creating database side bundle..
BigDataSQL: WARNING: OL5 native libraries missing for version 3.0.0, compression will not be supported on database side..
BigDataSQL: Creating bundle file.
BigDataSQL: Bundle file created: /opt/oracle/BDSJaguar/db-bundles/bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.zip.
BigDataSQL: INSTALL workflow completed.

Copy the database-side installation bundle to the database server.

[root@<Hadoop cluster> BDSJaguar]# scp db-bundles/bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.zip oracle@<Hadoop cluster>:/home/oracle/jaguar
The authenticity of host '<Oracle Database server> (<Oracle DB IP Address>)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:<SHA>.
RSA key fingerprint is MD5:<fingerprint>.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '<Oracle Database server>' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
oracle@<Oracle Database server>'s password:
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.zip                                                                                                                                             100%  199MB 230.1MB/s   00:00
[root@<Hadoop cluster> BDSJaguar]# 

Log on to the Oracle Database server, unzip the installation bundle, execute the run file (which creates the staging directory). Copy the request key file into the install directory created by the run file. Then, cd to the staging directory and run the installer. Run the generated "root script" as prompted by the installer.

[oracle@<Hadoop cluster> jaguar]$ unzip bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.zip
Archive:  bds-4.1.1-db-<some dir>-201014.1336.zip
  inflating: bds-4.1.1-db-<some dir>-201014.1336.run
[oracle@<some dir> jaguar]$ ./bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: platform is               : Linux
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: script started at         : Wed Oct 14 13:55:07 PDT 2020
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: running location          : /home/oracle/jaguar
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: ORACLE_SID                : orcl
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: ORACLE_HOME               : /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: install directory         : /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/BDSJaguar-4.1.1/<Hadoop cluster>-4-node04.<domain>
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: previous installer exists
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: extracting...
bds-4.1.1-db-<Hadoop cluster>-201014.1336.run: installer extracted successfully
Unzip the bundle, execute the run file, and copy the request key file into the install directory created by the run file.

[oracle@<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>]$ ./bds-database-install.sh --install
bds-database-install: platform is               : Linux
bds-database-install: script started at         : Thu Oct  8 12:50:35 PDT 2020
bds-database-install: running location          : /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/BDSJaguar-4.1.1/<Hadoop name>-4-node03.<domain>
bds-database-install: ORACLE_SID                : orcl
bds-database-install: ORACLE_HOME               : /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database
bds-database-install: WARNING: FUSE on CDH6 is not supported with a principal with instance qualifier like: oracle/mycluster@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM.
bds-database-install: Using principal oracle/mycluster@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM in bds_oracle.keytab
bds-database-install: Install will affect all pdbs.
bds-database-install: configuration spfile      : spfileorcl.ora
bds-database-install: Grid home                 : not detected
bds-database-install: db resource               : orcl
bds-database-install: mta extproc sid           : bds_orcl_bdshive
bds-database-install: use of crsctl             : false
bds-database-install: Kerberos variables file   : /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/bigdatasql/clusters/<Hadoop cluster>/bds_kerberos_variables.env
bds-database-install: root shell script         : /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-root-script-bdshive.sh
please run as root:


waiting for root script to complete, press <enter> to continue checking.. q<enter> to quit

bds-database-install: root script seem to have succeeded, continuing...
bds-database-install: cluster type              : bda
bds-database-install: connection type           : Ethernet
bds-database-install: cluster name              : <Hadoop cluster>
bds-database-install: cluster version           : cdh6
bds-database-install: dictionary cluster name   : <Hadoop cluster>
bds-database-install: Cluster Hadoop version    : 3.0.0-cdh6.3.3
bds-database-install: WARNING: No tarballs available, yum package installation required :
bds-database-install: BDSQL version             : 4.1.1
bds-database-install: BDSQL install date        : Thu Oct  8 12:22:46 2020
bds-database-install: bd_cell version           : bd_cell-
bds-database-install: cp2hadoop kit version     : orahivedp-5.0.0
bds-database-install: ohsh kit version          : ohsh-5.0.0
bds-database-install: orakafka kit version      : orakafka-1.2.0
bds-database-install: kvclient version          : kv-ee-20.2.16
bds-database-install: cell config dir           : /etc/oracle/cell/network-config
bds-database-install: hybrid cell model         : false
bds-database-install: cell network(s)           : <IP Address>/21
bds-database-install: use UDP protocol          : _skgxp_dynamic_protocol=3
bds-database-install: cellaffinity.ora file     : missing
bds-database-install: listener end point        : EXTPROC1521
bds-database-install: installed JDK             : jdk1.8.0_231
bds-database-install: Installing enterprise kvclient driver
bds-database-install: creating cellinit backup files
bds-database-install: action                    : setup
bds-database-setup: validating <IP Address>/20 against network interfaces
bds-database-setup: found <IP Address>/20 at bondeth0
bds-database-setup: ping to cluster nodes from <IP Address> with 1000 bytes
bds-database-setup: response ok from <IP Address>
bds-database-setup: response ok from <IP Address>
bds-database-setup: response ok from <IP Address>
bds-database-setup: Network mask and MTU not need to be validated for Ethernet connection
bds-database-setup: ping to cluster nodes from <Oracle DB IP Address> with 8400 bytes
bds-database-setup: response ok from <IP Address>
bds-database-setup: response ok from <IP Address>
bds-database-setup: response ok from <IP Address>
bds-database-setup: installing cluster configuration files
bds-database-setup: creating database objects
bds-database-setup:  /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0 /u03/a
pp/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0 . /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/databas
catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-directory-creation_catcon_45135.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-directory-creation*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-directory-creation_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

catcon.pl: completed successfully

bds-database-setup: mta will be setup
bds-database-setup: creating /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/hs/admin/initbds_orcl_<Hadoop cluster>.ora
bds-database-setup: mta shutdown bds_orcl_<Hadoop cluster>
bds-database-setup: removing existing mta parameter settings
bds-database-setup: setting performance parameters for mta
bds-database-setup: setting listener_address to EXTPROC1521
bds-database-setup: starting extproc bds_orcl_<Hadoop cluster>
bds-database-setup: waiting upto 100 seconds for extproc to register with listener
bds-database-setup: patching view LOADER_DIR_OBJS
bds-database-setup:  /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0 /u03/$
pp/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0 . /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/databa$
catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-patch-view_catcon_45902.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-patch-view*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-patch-view_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

catcon.pl: completed successfully
bds-database-setup: creating mta dblinks
bds-database-setup:  /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0 /u03/$
pp/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0 . /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/databa$
catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-create-links_catcon_46102.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-create-links*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-create-links_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

catcon.pl: completed successfully
bds-database-setup:  /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/site_perl/5.22.0 /u03/$
pp/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/perl/lib/5.22.0 . /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/databa$
catcon::set_log_file_base_path: ALL catcon-related output will be written to [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-alter-system_catcon_46279.lst]

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-alter-system*.log] files for output generated by scripts

catcon::set_log_file_base_path: catcon: See [/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/install/bds-database-install-42998-alter-system_*.lst] files for spool files, if any

catcon.pl: completed successfully

bds-database-setup: Verifying orakafka toolkit...
Check all files/dirs ownership - passed
Check directory privileges - passed
Check expected executable files - passed
bds-database-setup: Oracle SQL Access to Kafka toolkit is already installed
bds-database-setup: installing cp2hadoop
bds-database-setup: installing ohsh
bds-database-setup: enabling TLS encrytion
bds-database-setup: reconfiguring database instance orcl
bds-database-setup: adding parameter _bigdata_external_table=true
bds-database-setup: setup cell contiguration
bds-database-setup: celliniteth.ora already enabled with UDP protocol
bds-database-setup: cellinit.ora already has _cell_disable_ipcdat_on_client=true
bds-database-setup: cellaffinity.ora already disabled
database instance needs to be restarted, enter <yes> for restart it now or <no> for restart it later:
bds-database-setup: verifying pdbs status
bds-database-setup: saving pdbs open states
bds-database-setup: restarting database instance
bds-database-setup: mta shutdown bds_orcl_<Hadoop cluster>
bds-database-setup: removing existing mta parameter settings
bds-database-setup: setting performance parameters for mta
bds-database-setup: setting listener_address to EXTPROC1521
bds-database-setup: starting extproc bds_orcl_<Hadoop cluster>
bds-database-setup: waiting upto 100 seconds for extproc to register with listener

bds-database-setup: Object Store scripts templates have been created:
bds-database-setup: set_parameters_cdb.sql     should be executed in CDB$ROOT
bds-database-setup: allow_proxy_pdb.sql        should be executed on required PDBs

/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/BDSJaguar-4.1.1/<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>/set_parameters_cdb.sql
/u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/BDSJaguar-4.1.1/<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>/allow_proxy_pdb.sql

bds-database-setup: please review and update them if required

bds-database-setup: activation zip file created: <Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>-<db host name>.<domain>.zip

# /u03/app/oracle/18.1.0/dbhome_orcl/shiphome/database/BDSJaguar-4.1.1/<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>/<Hadoop cluster>-3-node03.<domain>-<db host name>.<domain>.zip

bds-database-setup: copy this file to root@<Hadoop node name>.<domain>.com:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
bds-database-setup: and run:

./jaguar databaseack

bds-database-setup: configuration successful for cluster <Hadoop cluster>

For correct operation please ensure appropriate database
patches are in:

For more information, please check MOS note:
Oracle Big Data SQL Master Compatibility Matrix (Doc ID 2119369.1)


[oracle@<db hostname>]$ scp <Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>-<db hostname>.<domain>.zip  root@<Hadoop cluster>.<domain>:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
The authenticity of host '<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain> (<IP Address>)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:qvKZC2sNMc4hoaUD929DlAJ7L3lFHrcjhyWqU1uKR6U.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:f0:38:ec:7e:28:65:85:f9:18:e1:4f:c4:d7:f6:25:e8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>,<IP Address>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>'s password:
<Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>-<db hostname>.<domain>.zip                                                                                                                100%  668     1.1MB/s   00:00
[oracle@<db hostname> <Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>]$

Copy the zip file generated by bds-database-install.sh back to the Hadoop cluster management node (usually node03. This zip file contains the .ackkey file needed to complete the Database Authentication setup.

[oracle@<db hostname>8 <Hadoop cluster>-4-<Oracle Database server>.<domain>]$ scp <Hadoop cluster>-4-<Oracle Database server>.<domain>-<db hostname>.<domain>.zip root@<Hadoop cluster>-3-node03.<domain>:/opt/oracle/DM/databases/conf
root@<Oracle Database server>.<domain>'s password:
<Hadoop cluster>-4-<Oracle Database server>.<domain>-<Hadoop cluster><Hadoop node>.<domain>.zip      100%  670     1.1MB/s   00:00
[oracle@scaj51bda08 <Hadoop cluster>-4-<Oracle Database server>.<domain>]$  

Log on as root to the Hadoop cluster management node and run the Jaguar database acknowledge operation.

[root@<Hadoop cluster> BDSJaguar]# ./jaguar databaseack
BigDataSQL: =======================================================================.
BigDataSQL: Oracle Big Data SQL 4.1.1.
BigDataSQL: Starting execution on: Thu Oct  8 12:58:38 2020.
BigDataSQL:          in directory: /opt/oracle/BDSJaguar.
BigDataSQL:          and hostname: <Hadoop cluster>-4-node03.<domain>.
BigDataSQL:            IP address: <Oracle DB IP Address>.
BigDataSQL:    DB version support: 19,18,12.2.
BigDataSQL:  Object Store support: Enabled.
BigDataSQL: API url: https://<Oracle Database server>.<domain>:7183.
BigDataSQL: Waiting for management server to respond...
BigDataSQL: Configuration json file name: bds-config.json.
BigDataSQL: WARNING: If there are services in the stale state, they will be restarted !!!.

Cloudera Manager user: admin

BigDataSQL: Authentication succeeded.
BigDataSQL: API version: 33.
BigDataSQL: Cluster name   : <Hadoop cluster>.
BigDataSQL: Cluster type   : BDA.
BigDataSQL: Cluster version: CDH6.
BigDataSQL:    full version: 6.3.3.
BigDataSQL: BDA version    : 5.2.0-1.
BigDataSQL: WARNING: CDH6 clients will be installed on database side through yum, Internet access is required there.
BigDataSQL: Cluster health check..
BigDataSQL: Service: BIGDATASQL.
BigDataSQL: Verifying service configuration..
BigDataSQL: WARNING: Cluster does not have Internet access, Hadoop clients could not be downloaded.
BigDataSQL: Connection type: Ethernet.
BigDataSQL: Initialization completed..
BigDataSQL: Starting deployment server..
BigDataSQL: Analyzing cluster ....
BigDataSQL: Checking for Big Data SQL requirements..
BigDataSQL: Database acknowledge..
BigDataSQL: Refreshing Big Data SQL database connections..
BigDataSQL: Starting bigdatasql service..
BigDataSQL: Setting database key for Big Data SQL..
BigDataSQL: Restarting stale services..
BigDataSQL: Restarting Cloudera Management service..

Big Data SQL setup finished !!!
run bdschecksw tool on database node for sanity verification

BigDataSQL: DATABASEACK workflow completed.