2.9.2 Get Started with Oracle SQL Access to Kafka

In order to successfully use Oracle SQL to read and load data from a Kafka topic, you need to install and configure the Oracle SQL Access to Kafka (OSaK) kit, register the Kafka cluster, and create views over the data within the Kafka topic.

Workflow for Accessing Kafka using Oracle SQL

The following table describes each major task:

Task Description Where to find more information

Install and configure access

Install and configure the OSaK kit before performing the following tasks.

See "Install and Configure Oracle SQL Access to Kafka" in Oracle Big Data SQL Installation Guide .

Register the Kafka cluster

Before reading or loading data, register the Kafka cluster.

See Register a Kafka Cluster.

Create views over data in Kafka topics

In addition to registering the Kafka cluster, create views over the Kafka topic data before reading or loading data from the topic. The views are created differently depending on the type of data in the topic.

For CSV data, see Create Views to Access CSV Data in a Kafka Topic

For JSON data, see Create Views to Access JSON Data in a Kafka Topic

Read data from a Kafka topic

You can read data as a continous stream, or read data from a specific offset or timestamp.

To read a continuous data stream, see Query Kafka Data as Continuous Stream.

To read data from a specific offset, see Explore Kafka Data from a Specific Offset.

To read data from a specific timestamp, see Explore Kafka Data from a Specific Timestamp

Load data from a Kafka topic

Data can be loaded into Oracle Database tables or temporary tables.

For loading data into Oracle Database tables, see Load Kafka Data into Tables Stored in Oracle Database.

For loading data into temporary tables, see Load Kafka Data into Temporary Tables.

Manage your Kafka views

You can customize the number of views or reconfigure existing views.

To customize the number of views, see Customize Oracle SQL Access to Kafka Views.

To modify views after Kafka topic partitions have been added, see Reconfigure Existing Kafka Views.