Reconfiguring an Existing Oracle Big Data SQL Installation

When Oracle Big Data SQL is installed on the cluster management server, the database-side installation bundle that is generated contains configuration information that is based on the current state of the cluster. When you install the bundle on the Oracle Database side, this configuration information is used to set up the connnection between the Hadoop cluster and the database server. After the installation, changes in the Hadoop cluster may require an update to the Oracle Big Data SQL configuration both sides (Hadoop cluster and database server) in order to maintain connectivity.

Here are some Hadoop-side changes which require you to reconfigure the installation:

  • Network security changes, such as a switch from HTTP to HTTPS or vice versa.

  • Port reassignments in the cluster management service (CM or Ambari).

  • Hive changes, such as migration of the service to different node or nodes or a change to the authentication method.

  • Changes to other related Hadoop services, such as HDFS, MapReduce2, and YARN, may also affect connectivity.


The reconfigure procedure cannot be used to update the installation of an older version of Oracle Big Data SQL. You should instead overwrite the old installation with the current Oracle Big Data SQL version.

  1. As root on the Hadoop cluster management server, make any necessary updates to the configuration file for the connection between the Hadoop cluster and Oracle Database (bds-config.json or other).

  2. Go to the BDSJaguar-4.1.0 directory and run Jaguar to invoke the reconfigure operation. Pass in the configuration filename.

    # cd <Big Data SQL install directory>/BDSJaguar-4.1.0
    # ./jaguar reconfigure bds-config.json

    This updates the Oracle Big Data SQL installation on the Hadoop cluster and generates a new database-side installation bundle, which you can find at <Oracle Big Data SQL Install Directory>/BDSJaguar-4.1.0/dbbundles.


    If you are using Database Authentication and already provided a request key to the database-side installer when you did the original installation, then you do not need to do again. That is, you do not need to include --requestdb in a reconfigure operation unless you want to set up a connection to another database.
  3. As in the original installation, copy the new bundle file to a temporary directory each database node. Connect using the oracle account on the database node. For example:

    # scp bds-4.1.0-db-<cluster>-<yymmdd.hhmi>.zip oracle@dbnode:/opt/tmp
  4. Log on to the database node as the oracle user.

  5. Locate the bundle and unzip it.

  6. Run the executable file extracted from the bundle.

    [oracle@mydbserver: $ bds-4.1.0-db-<cluster>-<yymmdd.hhmi>.run

    This extracts the installation files into a new directory under ORACLE_HOME.

  7. Change directories to ORACLE_HOME and list the subdirectories. You should see the old installation directory along with the new one. The directory names will include the same cluster name, but will have different timestamps. Delete the old directory.

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME 
    $ ls
      bds-4.1.0-db-<cluster>-<new timestamp>
      bds-4.1.0-db-<cluster>-<old timestamp>
    $ rm -rf bds-4.1.0-db-<cluster>-<old timestamp>
  8. Change directories to the new directory.

    Run with the --reconfigure parameter.

    $ ./ --reconfigure