2.4.9 Load Kafka Data into Tables Stored in Oracle Database

The Oracle SQL access to Kafka (OSaK) ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE procedure loads data from a Kafka topic into a database table. ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE creates a view which is used internally and maps to all partitions of the Kafka topic.

The view is not deleted at the end of the ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE execution. This means that subsequent calls to ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE with the same cluster, group, and topic arguments as passed previously, will start loading where the previous ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE left off, using the same view.

To continuously load Kafka data into the database, the ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE procedure can be called in a loop.

The following example illustrates a single call to the ORA_KAFKA.LOAD_TABLE procedure which loads data from the sensor topic into the Oracle database table sensortab.

  num_records_loaded INTEGER;
    ('MA1',                   -- The name of the cluster
    'LOADAPP',                -- The name of the Kafka group
    'sensor',                 -- The name of the topic
    'CSV',                    -- The format of the Kafka record
    'sensortab',              -- The name of the target table in Oracle.
                              -- This table must reflect the shape of the rows
                              -- retrieved from Kafka
    num_records_loaded);      -- The number of Kafka records loaded
  dbms_output.put_line(‘Kafka records loaded = ‘ || num_records_loaded);