21 Accessibility Features and Tips for Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service

Use these tips to improve your experience with accessibility features for Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service.

Setting Your Accessibility Options for Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service

Use accessibility options to optimize the application user interface (UI) for use with screen readers; to enable support of high-contrast colors; and to enable support for large fonts.

About Accessibility Options

When you use screen readers, there can be particular requirements for selecting menu items and resource catalog items.

Accessibility options appear on the General panel of the Preferences page. Accessibility options assist visually and non-visually impaired users in navigating the application user interface.


Disabled actions are indicated by that action shown with grey color on a white screen background. The contrast of this shade can be difficult to discern for some users.

Enabling Accessibility Modes

Use this procedure to enable accessibility modes for your interface.

  1. From your user menu in the menu bar, select Preferences.
  2. On the General page, select Accessibility Settings, and choose the option you require:
    • I use a screen reader. Select this option to enhance the interface for use with screen readers.

    • I use high contrast colors. Select this option to make the WebCenter Portal Cloud Service user interface compatible with operating systems or browsers that have high-contrast features enabled. For example, WebCenter Portal Cloud Service changes its use of background images and CSS styles in high-contrast mode to prevent the loss of visual information.


      High-contrast mode is more beneficial if you use it in conjunction with your browser or operating system high-contrast mode. Also, you can find it beneficial to use large-font mode, in addition to high-contrast mode.

      The color contrast of disabled actions—which are gray—against a white screen may be difficult to discern for some users. Because disabled actions are not selectable, this issue does not affect the use of WebCenter Portal Cloud Service.

    • I use large fonts. Select this option to enable browser zoom-friendly content. In default mode, most text and many containers have a fixed font size to provide a consistent and defined look. In large-font mode, text and containers are more scalable. Flexible scalability enables WebCenter Portal Cloud Service to be compatible with browsers that are set to larger font sizes, and to work with browser zoom capabilities.


      If you are not using large-font mode or browser zoom capabilities, then disable large-font mode. Also, you can find it beneficial to use high-contrast mode, in addition to the large-font mode.

    After you make your selection, the changes are applied immediately.

Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service Accessibility Features

Learn about the accessibility features of Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service.

About Accessibility Features for Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service

Enable your users to set the runtime accessibility modes that they require.

When you give users the ability to customize a page at runtime, you must ensure that any customizations your users make can be made accessible to all users. For all components that users can create at runtime, all accessibility-related attributes are shown in the properties dialog, where users can set them appropriately.

Component Accessibility Settings

You can set attributes for some components to generate accessible HTML.

You can add components to your application pages to make them editable at runtime. Refer to the following table to see which components you can use to generate accessible HTML.

Table 21-1 Components With Accessibility Attributes

Purpose of Component Component Accessibility Attributes
Image link accessibility


shortDesc—Mandatory. This attribute transforms into an HTML alt attribute.

accessKey—Optional. This attribute sets the mnemonic character used to gain quick access to the component.

Page layout accessibility


shortDesc—Mandatory. This attribute transforms into an HTML alt attribute.

accessKey—Optional. This attribute sets the mnemonic character used to gain quick access to the component.

Frame layout accessibility


shortDesc—Mandatory. This attribute transforms into an HTML alt attribute.

The following components do not have accessibility attributes:

  • pe:changeModeButton

  • pe:changeModeLink

  • pe:pageCustomizable

  • cust:panelCustomizable

Understanding Portlet Accessibility Options

Use best practices for accessibility when you set portlet attributes.

Modern screen readers do not work well with IFrames. Some accessibility standards do not permit their use at all.


Portlets created using the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge have the requireIFrame container runtime option set to true. This default is because, due to JavaScript issues, these portlets are too complex to render directly on Oracle ADF pages.

WebCenter Portal Cloud Service provides an optional attribute in the adf:portlet tag called renderPortletInIFrame. You can set this attribute to false to avoid ever using IFrames.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service

To select and move server objects in Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service, you can use the keyboard shortcuts.

Table 21-2 Keyboard Shortcut for Editing a Portal

Task Keyboard Shortcut

Edit a portal from portal viewer


Table 21-3 Keyboard Shortcut for Editing Site Studio Files In-Context

Task Keyboard Shortcut

Enter and exit contribution mode to edit a Site Studio file in-context


Table 21-4 Keyboard Shortcut for Editing in Rich Text Editor

Task Keyboard Shortcut

Move to the toolbar.


In the toolbar, move to the next button group.

In a dialog, move to the next element.


In the toolbar, move to the previous button group.

In a dialog, move to the previous element.


In the toolbar, move between buttons within a button group.

In a dialog, move within a field.

Left Arrow/Right Arrow

In the toolbar, select the current button or menu item, or expand a drop-down list or menu.

In a dialog, confirm entry at current cursor location.


Move between selections in a drop-down list.

Down Arrow/ Up Arrow

Close a menu without executing any command. When inside a submenu, close the submenu and return focus to the parent context menu. Press Esc again to close it. In a dialog, cancel entries and close dialog (equivalent to clicking Cancel or Close).


In the editing area:


Open the context menu of the current element (use down arrow and up arrow to move between selections in the menu, and Enter to select an action).


Move to the tab selection in a dialog (use left and right arrow keys to move between tabs, and Enter to move to the fields on a tab).


Select the entire content in the editing area.


Change the formatting of the selected text to bold or remove the bold formatting of the selected text.


Copy highlighted selections to the clipboard.


Change the formatting of the selected text to italics or remove the italics from the selected text.


Underline the selected text or remove the underline formatting of the selected text.


Paste the content on the clipboard at the current cursor location.

Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert

Cut highlighted selections to the clipboard.

Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete

Perform redo operation.


Perform undo operation.


Keyboard Workarounds for Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service

The Feedback Posts and Favorites features have workarounds for keyboard shortcut issues.

Working with Feedback Posts

When working with feedback posts, you cannot use the keyboard to select a date from the calendar that pops up when you click the Select Date icon. Instead, manually enter the date into the field.

Working with Favorites

When working with favorites, you cannot move a favorite into an existing folder using only the keyboard. To work around this issue, create a duplicate favorite within the target folder, and then delete the original favorite.