IP Addresses

Learn about the IP address requirements for Exadata Cloud at Customer.

Exadata Cloud at Customer requires a number of host names and IP addresses during initial configuration. The precise number of IP addresses required for a particular network, such as the Oracle cloud management network, depends on the size of the system and the number of virtual machine (VM) clusters that are configured on the system. The network configuration details, including host names and IP addresses, used during installation is generated from information you supply to Oracle.

Configure the new IP addresses in your existing networks only after you have completed the configuration information with an Oracle representative. In addition, all IP addresses must be statically assigned IP addresses, not dynamically assigned (DHCP) addresses.

The following table outlines the IP address requirements:

Network Type IP Address Requirements Base System, Eighth Rack, or Quarter Rack Half Rack Full Rack
Client network

1 IP address for client access on each database server.

1 IP address for the Oracle clusterware virtual IP (VIP) on each database server.

3 IP addresses for Single Client Network Access (SCAN) VIPs.

7 for each VM cluster. 11 for each VM cluster. 19 for each VM cluster.
Backup network 1 IP address for each database server. 2 for each VM cluster. 4 for each VM cluster. 8 for each VM cluster.