E Cloud Notification Service Events

Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer is integrated with Cloud Notification Service (CNS), which provides notification for events that affect the status of system components.

CNS Events in Exadata Cloud at Customer

Events that affect the status of key system components are detected on Exadata Cloud at Customer. The following table lists the events that are defined for Exadata Cloud at Customer.

Event Name Description

Listener Up

Generated when the Oracle Net listener starts up.

Listener Down

Generated when the Oracle Net listener shuts down.

Scan Listener Up

Generated when the SCAN listener starts up.

Scan Listener Down

Generated when the SCAN listener shuts down.

Database Up

Generated when the associated database starts up.

Database Down

Generated when the associated database shuts down.

Grid Space Full

Generated when used space in the file system containing the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory exceeds the critical threshold.

Recovery Area Full

Generated when free space in the RECO ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.

Data Space Full

Generated when free space in the DATA ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.

Oracle Home Full

Generated when free space in the file system containing the Oracle Database home directory falls below the critical threshold.

Backup Started

Generated when a database backup is started using cloud tooling.

Backup Complete

Generated when a database backup completes, which was started using cloud tooling.

Backup Failed

Generated when a database backup fails, which was started using cloud tooling.

Event Generation and Scope

Events are generated in real time or by periodic polling. Polled events are collected at regular intervals by a CNS event monitor process, which runs on one of the cluster nodes. Other events are collected in real time when specific actions are performed by the cloud tooling on Exadata Cloud at Customer.

Events are subject to different regeneration policies. After some events are generated, they are not generated again until they are cleared. For example, after a Database Up event is generated, another Database Up event is not generated until the first event is cleared by a corresponding Database Down event. However, some events are automatically regenerated after 24 hours if the corresponding system status remains unchanged.

Events are also subject to different scopes. Some events are associated with the VM cluster, while other events are associated with a specific database.

The table lists the scope, generation method, and regeneration policy for events that are associated with Exadata Cloud at Customer.

Event Name Description Scope Generation Method Regeneration Policy

Listener Up

Generated when the Oracle Net listener starts up.


Periodic polling

Not regenerated

Listener Down

Generated when the Oracle Net listener shuts down.


Periodic polling

Not regenerated

Scan Listener Up

Generated when the SCAN listener starts up.


Periodic polling

Not regenerated

Scan Listener Down

Generated when the SCAN listener shuts down.


Periodic polling

Not regenerated

Database Up

Generated when the associated database starts up.


Periodic polling

Not regenerated

Database Down

Generated when the associated database shuts down.


Periodic polling

Not regenerated

Grid Space Full

Generated when used space in the file system containing the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory exceeds the critical threshold.


Periodic polling

Automatically regenerated after 24 hours

Recovery Area Full

Generated when free space in the RECO ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.


Periodic polling

Automatically regenerated after 24 hours

Data Space Full

Generated when free space in the DATA ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.


Periodic polling

Automatically regenerated after 24 hours

Oracle Home Full

Generated when free space in the file system containing the Oracle Database home directory falls below the critical threshold.


Periodic polling

Automatically regenerated after 24 hours

Backup Started

Generated when a database backup is started using cloud tooling.



Not regenerated

Backup Complete

Generated when a database backup completes, which was started using cloud tooling.



Not regenerated

Backup Failed

Generated when a database backup fails, which was started using cloud tooling.



Not regenerated

Event Topics

Every event is posted to a CNS topic, and notifications are generated for all subscriptions to the topic. Each CNS topic is identified by a fully qualified topic name. The CNS topics associated with Exadata Cloud at Customer have fully qualified names that are formatted as follows:

  • For database-specific events, the fully qualified CNS topic name has the format: UUID.event-category.cluster-name.database.dbname

  • For cluster-related events, the fully qualified CNS topic name has the format: UUID.event-category.cluster-name.database

In the CNS topic names:

  • UUID — specifies a unique identifier that is associated with the Exadata Cloud at Customer service entitlement.

  • event-category — specifies the event category, which is one of: critical, warning, or informational.

  • cluster-name — specifies the name of the Exadata Cloud at Customer VM cluster.

  • dbname — specifies the database name that is associated with the Exadata Cloud at Customer database deployment. This is the same as the Container Name that is associated with the database deployment in the Oracle Database Cloud Service console.

The table lists the CNS topics that are associated with Exadata Cloud at Customer.

Event Name Description CNS Topics

Listener Up

Generated when the Oracle Net listener starts up.


Listener Down

Generated when the Oracle Net listener shuts down.


Scan Listener Up

Generated when the SCAN listener starts up.


Scan Listener Down

Generated when the SCAN listener shuts down.


Database Up

Generated when the associated database starts up.


Database Down

Generated when the associated database shuts down.


Grid Space Full

Generated when used space in the file system containing the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory exceeds the critical threshold.


Recovery Area Full

Generated when free space in the RECO ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.



Data Space Full

Generated when free space in the DATA ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.



Oracle Home Full

Generated when free space in the file system containing the Oracle Database home directory falls below the critical threshold.


Backup Started

Generated when a database backup is started using cloud tooling.


Backup Complete

Generated when a database backup completes, which was started using cloud tooling.


Backup Failed

Generated when a database backup fails, which was started using cloud tooling.


Event Thresholds

Some events are generated when the value for a system attribute crosses a defined threshold. The following table lists the default threshold values.

Event Name Description Default Thresholds

Grid Space Full

Generated when used space in the file system containing the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory exceeds the critical threshold.

Critical Threshold: 98%

Recovery Area Full

Generated when free space in the RECO ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.

Warning Threshold: 10 GB

Critical Threshold: 5 GB

Data Space Full

Generated when free space in the DATA ASM disk group falls below a warning or critical threshold.

Warning Threshold: 100 GB

Critical Threshold: 50 GB

Oracle Home Full

Generated when free space in the file system containing the Oracle Database home directory falls below the critical threshold.

Critical Threshold: 20 GB

Event Notification

Notification of events can be accessed through the My Services application and the Oracle Database Cloud Service console. You can also consume events programmatically by subscribing to specific CNS topics that relate to Exadata Cloud at Customer. You can subscribe to the CNS topics by using the CNS Web console or REST API.

Event Configuration

You can control the generation of CNS events on Exadata Cloud at Customer by using the dbaascli utility.

By default, event generation is enabled for cluster events and database events. Event generation can be disabled for a specific database or the entire cluster. When events are disabled for the cluster, database-specific events are also disabled. You can control event generation for cluster events and database events by using the following commands:

  • To enable event generation on the VM cluster:

    # dbaascli cns enable
  • To disable event generation on the VM cluster:

    # dbaascli cns disable
  • To check the status of event generation on the VM cluster:

    # dbaascli cns status
  • To enable event generation for a database:

    # dbaascli cns dbenable --dbname dbname
  • To disable event generation for a database:

    # dbaascli cns dbdisable --dbname dbname
  • To check the status of event generation for a database:

    # dbaascli cns dbstatus --dbname dbname

In the above commands, dbname specifies the name of the database that you want to control.

You can also view and set the default thresholds to threshold-based events by using the following commands:

  • To view the current threshold value:

    # dbaascli cns getprop --propname property
  • To set a threshold value:

    # dbaascli cns setprop --propname property --value property-value

In the above commands:

  • property specifies one of the following:

    • space_reco_warn defines the threshold that is used to generate the Recovery Area Full warning event. The value of this threshold is the amount of free space expressed in gigabytes (GB).

    • space_reco_crit defines the threshold that is used to generate the Recovery Area Full critical event. The value of this threshold is the amount of free space expressed in gigabytes (GB).

    • space_data_warn defines the threshold that is used to generate the Data Space Full warning event. The value of this threshold is the amount of free space expressed in gigabytes (GB).

    • space_data_crit defines the threshold that is used to generate the Data Space Full critical event. The value of this threshold is the amount of free space expressed in gigabytes (GB).

    • space_ohome_crit defines the threshold that is used to generate the Oracle Home Full critical event. The value of this threshold is the amount of free space expressed in gigabytes (GB).

    • space_grid_crit defines the threshold that is used to generate the Grid Space Full critical event. The value of this threshold is the percentage of used space.

  • property-value specifies the integer value for the threshold setting.

For example, to view the current warning threshold for the DATA ASM disk group you can run:

# dbaascli cns getprop --propname space_data_warn

To set the threshold so that a warning is generated when the free space in the DATA ASM disk group falls below 120GB you can run:

# dbaascli cns setprop --propname space_data_warn --value 120