dbaascli dbimage purge

The dbimage purge subcommand of the dbaascli utility removes the specified software image from your Exadata Cloud at Customer environment.

Connect to the compute node as the opc user and execute this command as the root user.

# dbaascli dbimage purge --version software_version --bp software_bp [--cdb ( yes | no )]

In the preceding command:

  • software_version — specifies the Oracle Database software version. For example, 11204, 12102, 12201, 18000, 19000.

  • software_bp — identifies the bundle patch release. For example, APR2018, JAN2019, OCT2019, and so on.

  • --cdb — optionally specifies whether to remove the software image that supports the Oracle multitenant architecture. Default is yes. If you specify --cdb no, then the software image that contains binaries to support non-container databases (non-CDB) is removed.

If the command will remove a software image that is not currently available in the software image library, and therefore cannot be downloaded again, then the command pauses and prompts for confirmation.

You cannot remove the current default software image for any software version. To avoid this restriction, you must make another software image the current default.