dbaascli pdb create

The pdb create subcommand of the dbaascli utility creates a new pluggable database (PDB) in your Exadata Cloud at Customer environment.

Connect to a compute node as the oracle user and execute this command.

$ dbaascli pdb create --pdbname pdbname --dbname dbname [--maxsize maxsize] [--maxcpu maxcpu]

In the above command:

  • pdbname — specifies the name of the new PDB that you want to create.

  • dbname — specifies the name of the container database in which you want create the new PDB.

  • maxsize — optionally specifies the maximum total size of data files and temporary files for tablespaces belonging to the PDB. Setting this option is effectively the same as setting the MAXSIZE PDB storage clause in the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE SQL command. You can impose a limit by specifying an integer followed by a size unit (K, M, G, or T), or you can specify UNLIMITED to explicitly enforce no limit.

  • maxcpu — optionally specifies the maximum number of CPUs that are available to the PDB. Setting this option is effectively the same as setting the CPU_COUNT parameter in the PDB.

During the PDB creation process you are prompted to specify the administration password for the new PDB.

This command is supported only for databases that are not in a Data Guard configuration and use Oracle Database version, or later.