dbaascli pdb remote_clone

The pdb remote_clone subcommand of the dbaascli utility creates a new pluggable database (PDB) as a clone of an existing PDB in another container database (CDB).

Connect to a compute node as the oracle user and execute this command.

$ dbaascli pdb remote_clone --pdbname sourcepdbname --source_db sourcedbname --source_db_scan sourcedbscan --dbname dbname

In the above command:

  • pdbname — specifies the name of the source PDB that you want to clone.

  • sourcedbname — specifies the name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) of the CDB that hosts the source PDB.

  • sourcedbscan — specifies the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) that is used to connect to the source database.

  • dbname — specifies the name (DB_NAME) of the CDB that hosts the newly cloned PDB.

When promoted, you must supply the SYS user password for the source PDB.

The newly cloned PDB inherits administration passwords from the source PDB. The cloned PDB is named using the following format: dbname_sourcepdbname

This command is supported only for databases that are not in a Data Guard configuration and use Oracle Database version, or later.