Defining a Custom Host Name or Domain Name for Exadata Cloud at Customer

You can associate a custom host name or domain name to the public IP address of a compute node associated with your Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer environment.

To associate a custom host name to the public IP address of a compute node, contact the administrator of your DNS (Domain Name Service) and request a custom DNS record for the compute node’s public IP address. For example, if your domain is and you wanted to use clouddb1 as the custom host name for a compute node, you would request a DNS record that associates to your compute node's public IP address.

To associate a custom domain name to the public IP address of a compute node:

  1. Register your domain name through a third-party domain registration vendor, such as, Namecheap, and so on. For example,

  2. Resolve your domain name to the IP address of the Exadata Cloud at Customer compute node, using the third-party domain registration vendor console. For more information, refer to the third-party domain registration documentation.

You can obtain the public IP address of a compute node by viewing details as described in Viewing Detailed Information for a Database Deployment.