Subscription Models

Oracle Cloud at Customer is offered in different subscription models.

Control Plane

The Oracle Cloud At Customer Control Plane provides the infrastructure required to run Oracle Cloud on premises. It consists of dedicated compute and storage components required to run Oracle Cloud. The Control Plane is required for all Cloud At Customer deployments, including Exadata Cloud at Customer, and Big Data Cloud at Customer, and other offerings to come. One Control Plane can manage a single site of Cloud At Customer.

The Control Plane hardware and software is installed, configured, and managed entirely by the Oracle Cloud Operations Team.

Customer-Usable Building Blocks

In addition to the Control Plane, Oracle Cloud at Customer provides powerful and flexible compute and storage capabilities for running customer services and applications.

The compute and storage resources available to customers are assembled from one or more of the following basic building blocks:

  • Oracle Cloud at Customer X6 Compute. Customer has access to 40 usable compute cores with each Oracle Cloud at Customer X6 compute subscription.

  • Oracle Cloud at Customer ZS5 Block Storage. Customer has access to approximately 32 TB of usable block storage with each Oracle Cloud at Customer ZS5 block storage subscription.

  • Oracle Cloud at Customer X6 Object Storage. Customer has access to approximately 128TB of usable object storage with each Oracle Cloud at Customer X6 Object Storage subscription.