Create an Oracle Linux Instance

Create an Oracle Linux instance using the Create Instance wizard.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud My Services.
  2. Click the Menu icon menu at the upper left corner of the page and select Compute Classic.
  3. On the Instances page, click Create Instance.
    The Create Instance wizard starts.
  4. Click Customize.
  5. On the Image page, select the image that you want to use, and click the right arrow button.
  6. On the Shape page, select an appropriate shape for your instance, and click the right arrow button.
    The shape determines the number of CPUs and RAM that your instance will have.
  7. On the Instance page, select or enter the following. Leave the other fields at the default values.
    1. Name: Enter an appropriate name, or retain the default name.

    2. Label: Enter a label to help identify the instance, or retain the default.

    3. SSH Keys:

      1. Click Add SSH Public Key.

      2. Enter a name for the SSH public key.

      3. Click Select File and navigate to the folder where your SSH public key is saved, or paste the public key in the Value field.

      4. Click Add.

    Click the right arrow button.

  8. On the Network page, select or enter the following:
    1. Network Options: Select IP Network.

    2. IP Network Options: Click Configure Interface.

    3. In the Configure IP Network Interface dialog box, select or enter the following and then click Save:

      • Interface: Select the required interface, say eth1.

      • IP Network: Specify the IP network that you want to add this interface to.

        1. Click Create IP Network.

        2. Enter a name for the IP network.

        3. Enter the required IP address prefix for the IP network, in CIDR format. For example, enter

        4. Enter a description and tags for the IP network, if required, and then click Create.

    4. Public IP Address: Select Auto Generated.

  9. Click Save.
  10. Click the right arrow button to go to the next page.
  11. On the Storage page, accept the default settings and click the right arrow button.
  12. On the Review page, verify the information that you've entered and then click Create.
  13. Wait for your instance to be created. To monitor the status, go to the Orchestrations tab. Look for the orchestration that has the same name as your instance.
When the status of the orchestration is Ready, your instance is ready for use.