Create Resources Using an Orchestration

You can create a blank orchestration, and then add objects to it by updating the orchestration. While updating the orchestration, you can define attributes for a single instance or create complex topologies that consist of multiple instances and multiple networks.

Scenario Overview

In this example, you create the following resources:
  • An IP network
  • A vNICset
  • A VM attached to the IP network
  • An SSH public key associated with the VM
  • A storage volume attached to the VM
  • A public IP reservation for the VM
  • A security protocol for SSH traffic to the VM
  • A security rule to permit SSH access to the VM, and an ACL for the security rule


Generate an SSH key pair. In the orchestration, you’ll add the public key and associate it with the instance. See Generate an SSH Key Pair.



This procedure walks you through the key steps required to quickly provision the basic compute and networking resources. It does not cover the advanced configuration options.
  1. Sign in to the Compute Classic console.
  2. Click the Orchestrations tab.
  3. Click Create Orchestration.
    The Create Orchestration dialog box appears.
  4. In the Create Orchestration dialog box, enter the following information.
    • Name: Enter a name for the orchestration.
    • Description: Enter a description.
    • Tags: Specify one or more tags to help you identify and categorize the orchestration.
  5. Click Create.

    A blank orchestration is created and listed on the Orchestrations page. You can now add objects by updating the orchestration.

  6. From the menu icon menu for the orchestration that you created, select Update.
    The Orchestration page has a JSON section that shows the current orchestration definition. As you add and update the objects in the orchestration, the JSON section gets updated. Note that the objects you add and update are in the Inactive status. They are created only when you start the orchestration.

    In this example, you create an Oracle Linux instance attached to an IP network and accessible over the public Internet by using SSH.

  7. Add an ACL.
    1. Expand the Access Control List section, and click Add.
    2. Enter a name for the ACL.
      Note this name. You’ll need to specify it later when configuring the security rule to permit SSH access.
    3. Click Create.
    4. From the menu icon menu for the ACL that you added, select Properties.
    5. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    6. Click Update.
  8. Add an IP network.
    1. Expand the IP Network section, and click Add.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the IP network.
      Note this name. You’ll need to specify it later when configuring the network interface of your instance.
    3. In the IP Address Prefix field, enter the address range of the IP network in the CIDR format (example:
    4. Click Create.
    5. From the menu icon menu for the IP network that you added, select Properties.
    6. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    7. Click Update.
  9. Add an IP reservation.
    1. Expand the IP Reservation (IP Network) section, and click Add.
    2. In the Create IP Reservation dialog box, enter a name for the IP reservation.
      Note this name. You’ll need to specify it later when configuring the network interface of your instance.
    3. Click Create.
    4. From the menu icon menu for the IP reservation that you added, select Properties.
    5. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    6. Click Update.
  10. Add a security protocol for SSH traffic.
    1. Expand the Security Protocol section, and click Add.
    2. In the Create Security Protocol dialog box, provide the following information:
      • Name: Enter a name for the protocol.

        Note this name. You’ll need to specify it later when configuring the security rule to permit SSH access.

      • IP Protocol: Select TCP.
      • Destination Port Set: Enter 22.
    3. Click Create.
    4. From the menu icon menu for the protocol that you added, select Properties.
    5. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    6. Click Update.
  11. Add the SSH public key.
    1. Expand the SSH Key section, and click Add.
    2. Enter a name for the key.
      Note this name. You’ll need to specify it later when selecting the public key for your instance.
    3. Click Select File.
    4. Browse to the file that contains the public key you generated earlier, and select it.
    5. Click Add.
    6. From the menu icon menu for the SSH key that you added, select Properties.
    7. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    8. Click Update.
  12. Add a vNICset.
    1. Expand the Virtual NIC Set section, and click Add.
    2. Enter a name for the vNICset.
      Note this name. You’ll need to specify it later when configuring the network interface of your instance.
    3. Click Create.
    4. From the menu icon menu for the vNICset that you added, select Properties.
    5. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    6. Click Update.
  13. Add a security rule to permit SSH access to the instance.
    1. Expand the Security Rule (IP Network) section, and click Add.
    2. In the Create Security Rule dialog box, provide the following information:
      • Name: Enter a name for the security rule.
      • Access Control List: Select the ACL that you created.
      • Security Protocols: Select the SSH protocol that you created.
      • Destination vNICset: Select the vNICset that you created.

      Leave all the other fields at the default values.

    3. Click Create.
    4. From the menu icon menu for the security rule that you added, select Properties.
    5. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Persistent check box.
    6. Click Update.
  14. Add a storage volume.
    1. Expand the Storage Volume section, and click Add.
    2. In the Create Storage Volume dialog box, provide the following information:
      • Name: Enter a name for the volume.
      • Size: Set the required size.

      Leave all the other fields at the default values.

    3. Click Create.
  15. Add an instance, and configure networking for it.
    1. Expand the Instance section, and click Add.
    2. From the menu icon menu for the instance that you added, select Update.
    3. In the IP Network Interfaces section, click Add IP Network Interface, and provide the following information:
      • IP Network: Select the IP network that you added.
      • Public IP Address: Select the IP reservation that you added.
      • Virtual NIC Sets: Remove the default vNICset, and select the vNICset that you added.
    4. In the SSH Public Keys section, click Add SSH Public Key, and add the public key that you uploaded.
    5. In the Storage Volumes section, click Attach Storage Volume.
    6. Select the volume that you created, and click Attach.
  16. Scroll to the top of the page, and click Back to Orchestration Details.
  17. Click the Start button, near the upper-right corner.
    When you start the orchestration, the status of the orchestration changes to Starting and then to Ready when all the objects defined in the orchestration are created successfully. The instance and other objects are created and their status changes from Inactive to Active.
  18. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.
    In the Information pane at the top, the Status field shows Starting.
    Wait until the status changes to Ready. Periodically, click the refresh button near the upper-right corner of the Information pane.
  19. Verify that all the resources are created.
    In all the resource sections, the status field shows Active.
    You have successfully created your instance and the networking resources required to enable SSH connections to the instance.