Enable SSH Access to a VM

This procedure is for a VM that's attached to an IP network. SSH traffic to such VMs is controlled by security rules that you create.

  1. Sign in to the Compute Classic console.
  2. Identify the vNICset that contains the IP network interface of the VM for which you want to enable SSH access.
    1. On the Instances tab, locate the VM for which you want to enable SSH access, and click its name.
    2. In the IP Network Interfaces section, locate the vNIC for which you want to enable SSH access.
    3. Note the name of the vNICset that you want to specify in the security rule.
      If multiple vNICsets are associated with the vNIC, then pick the vNICset that’s appropriate for your needs.
    4. Return to the main page of the web console, by clicking the Instances link near the top of the page.
  3. Identify the ACL that’s applied to the vNICset.
    1. Click the Network tab.
    2. Expand IP Network, and click Virtual NIC Sets.
    3. Locate the vNICset that you identified earlier, and the note the name of the ACL applied to it.
      If multiple ACLs are applied to the vNICset, then pick the ACL that should contain the security rule you’re going to create.
  4. Create a security protocol for SSH requests.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Security Protocols.
    2. Click Create Security Protocol.
    3. In the Create Security Protocol dialog box, select or enter the following information:
      • Name: Enter ssh.
      • IP Protocol: Select TCP.
      • Destination Port Set: Enter 22.
    4. Leave the other fields at the default values.
    5. Click Create.
  5. Create a security rule.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Security Rules.
    2. Click Create Security Rule.
    3. In the Create Security Rule dialog box, select or enter the following information:
      • Name: Enter a name for the security rule.
      • Status: Select Enabled.
      • Type: Select Ingress.
      • Access Control List: Select the ACL that you identified.
      • Security Protocols: Select the protocol that you created.
      • Destination vNICset: Select the vNICset that you identified.
    4. Leave the other fields at the default values.
    5. Click Create.
You can now connect to the VM by using ssh. See Log In to a VM Using SSH.