What’s New for Oracle Cloud at Customer 19.2

This document lists the new features and enhancements added to the Oracle Cloud at Customer and Oracle Cloud services.

What's New for Oracle Cloud at Customer 19.2

This release includes an OSS (Object Storage) upgrade, the deployment of a new Storage Console, and important firmware updates and security fixes. It also includes high-availability-ready lifecycle tools along with Oracle Enterprise Manager agent changes to accommodate the lifecycle tools updates.

Oracle Cloud at Customer 19.2 introduces the following updates:

Feature Description
OSS Upgrades From version 3.36.10 to 3.37.3
Storage Console Version 1.4.3
Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) Upgrade To version 18.4.2
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing Classic (LBaaS) Upgrade To version 18.4.6

What's New for the Oracle Cloud Services on Oracle Cloud at Customer


For the complete list of services supported on Oracle Cloud at Customer 19.2, see Services Available on Oracle Cloud at Customer in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud at Customer.

The following table lists the Oracle Cloud services that are provisioned in your Oracle Cloud at Customer Cloud Account by default.

Table - Features in Oracle Cloud Services

Oracle Cloud Service For More Information
Oracle Compute Cloud Service See the table September 2019 at What's New for Compute Classic on Oracle Cloud at Customer
Oracle Java Cloud Service See the table July 2019 at What’s New for Oracle Java Cloud Service on Oracle Cloud at Customer
Oracle Storage Classic Cloud Service See the table September 2019 at What’s New in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic on Oracle Cloud at Customer
Oracle Database Cloud Service See the table August 2018 at What's New in Database Cloud Service on Oracle Cloud at Customer


To learn more about Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer, see What's New for Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer (Gen 1/OCI-C)

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