Extracting a Certificate by Using openssl

On a Linux or UNIX system, you can use the openssl command to extract the certificate from a key pair that you downloaded from the OAuth Configuration page.

To extract the certificate, use these commands, where cer is the file name that you want to use:
  1. openssl pkcs12 -in store.p12 -out cer.pem
    This extracts the certificate in a .pem format.
  2. openssl x509 -outform der -in cer.pem -out cer.der
    This formats the certificate in a .der format.
You can then associate cer.der with a client.

You can also extract the private key by using the command:

openssl pkcs12 -in store.p12 -out pKey.pem -nodes -nocerts
For more information, see the OpenSSL documentation.