Obtaining an Access Token by Using a Self-Signed Client Assertion

The client application uses a self-signed client assertion as part of the request to obtain the access token.

Instead of sending the client credentials, send the client assertion as part of the request for greater security. In Oracle Cloud, all OAuth clients are confidential by default and so their credentials (client_id and password) are never exposed directly. A client assertion is generated before requesting an access token. See Step-by-Step Workflow of the Client Credentials Grant to identify the claims that need to be part of the client assertion.

In the client credentials workflow, you obtain an access token by using a client assertion.

Parameters used in the access token request:
  • X-USER-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: The name of the identity domain.

  • Content-Type: The type of content that’s sent in the request. It is a URL-encoded application.

  • Request: The type of request that’s sent. In the example that follows, a POST request is used to obtain an access token. This is followed by the authorization server URL, which provides tokens.

  • grant_type: The grant type used to obtain the token. In the example that follows, the grant type is client credentials. The value of client_credentials is given for this grant type.

  • scope: The limit of a particular scope for an access token.

  • client_assertion_type: This specifies the type of client assertion that’s passed. In Oracle Cloud, it’s jwt_bearer.

  • client_assertion: The value of the client token obtained.

The client credentials are available in the form of a self-signed JSON web token (JWT) client assertion. This is sent to obtain an access token.

To obtain an access token by using a client assertion, use the following cURL command:

curl -i -H 'X-USER-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: OAuthTestTenant150'
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'
--request POST https://<idm-domain>.identity.<data-center>.oraclecloud.com/oauth/tokens 
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials

The output of the cURL command is:

The JWT obtained can be decoded, and the claims in the access token can be viewed as follows:

Access token:
 alg: "RS256",
 typ: "JWT",
 x5t: "kh6XrTN6WjzvhH8Lk6sKieiP5hw",
 kid: "OAuthTestTenant150.cert"
 sub: "a5d539ec-906f-43d6-8d77-a863b8d37ce4",
 iss: "OAuthTestTenant150",
 oracle.oauth.svc_p_n: "OAuthTestTenant150ServiceProfile",
 iat: 1425666598000,
 oracle.oauth.prn.id_type: "ClientID",
 exp: 1425670198000,
 oracle.oauth.tk_context: "resource_access_tk",
 aud: [
 prn: "a5d539ec-906f-43d6-8d77-a863b8d37ce4",
 jti: "f90711e9-1981-48c2-8c09-d91534c0dbca",
 oracle.oauth.client_origin_id: "a5d539ec-906f-43d6-8d77-a863b8d37ce4",
 oracle.oauth.scope: "http://www.example.com",
 user.tenant.name: "OAuthTestTenant150",
 oracle.oauth.id_d_id: "30167455953447081"

Audience and scope claims in the output:

The audience claim in an access token contains the API path of the resource. The oracle.oauth.scope claim contains the valid API path with the scope in the response. In the prior example, the incoming request has a scope of http://www.example.com. The client audience configuration has a value of http://www.example.com::*. The OAuth token service validates the incoming request scope with the value found in the client audience configuration. Because this is a valid request, the OAuth token service sends a valid access token in the response. In this case, the audience claim has a value of http://www.example.com, and the scope has a value of http://www.example.com.